Disposición de residuos sólidos municipales en áreas públicas y su relación con la cultura ambiental de la población del distrito de La Tinguiña, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Hoy en día, la población realiza de forma incorrecta la disposición de RR.SS., generando
contaminación ambiental e impactando en su salud. El estudio planteo como Objetivo:
“Determinar la disposición de residuos sólidos municipales en áreas públicas y su relación con la
cultura ambiental de la población del Distrito de La Tinguiña, 2022”. Metodología: Tipo básico,
nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental. Muestra: 160 pobladores del Distrito de La Tinguiña.
Instrumento: Encuesta de 20 ítems, relacionando la variable “residuos sólidos” y “cultura
ambiental”. Conclusión: De la variable “residuos sólidos”, el 65,0% los participantes señalan que
diariamente generan residuos biodegradables, asimismo, el 55,0% de los encuestados indican que
no cuentan con envases diferenciados en sus hogares para residuos orgánicos e inorgánicos. De
la variable “cultura ambiental”, el 46,88% de los entrevistados indican que algunas veces deposita
sus residuos en áreas públicas, asimismo, el 47,5% de los participantes indican que algunas veces
realizan prácticas ambientales para reducir los RR.SS.. Pero, el 55,0% de los participantes indican
que no son indiferentes cuando las personas dejan sus residuos en las calles. Se realizó la
contrastación de hipótesis, aplicando el estadístico de Chi cuadrado, se acepta la hipótesis alterna:
HE1= “La composición y cantidad de los residuos sólidos municipales, está relacionado con la
cultura ambiental de la población del Distrito de La Tinguiña, 2022”, y la hipótesis alterna: HE2=
La evaluación del nivel de cultura ambiental, influye significativamente en la disposición de
residuos sólidos municipales en áreas públicas del Distrito de La Tinguiña, 2022”, porque el X2
obt > X2 tab.
Nowadays, the population incorrectly disposes of social networks, generating environmental pollution and impacting their health. The objective of the study was: “Determine the disposal of municipal solid waste in public areas and its relationship with the environmental culture of the population of the District of La Tinguiña, 2022.” Methodology: Basic type, descriptive level and non-experimental design. Sample: 160 residents of the La Tinguiña District. Instrument: 20-item survey, relating the variable “solid waste” and “environmental culture”. Conclusion: Of the variable "solid waste", 65.0% of the participants indicate that they generate biodegradable waste daily, likewise, 55.0% of the respondents indicate that they do not have differentiated containers in their homes for organic and inorganic waste. Of the variable “environmental culture”, 46.88% of those interviewed indicate that they sometimes deposit their waste in public areas, likewise, 47.5% of the participants indicate that they sometimes carry out environmental practices to reduce RR.SS. But, 55.0% of the participants indicate that they are not indifferent when people leave their waste on the streets. For the testing of hypotheses, using the Chi square statistic, the alternative hypothesis is accepted: HE1= “The composition and quantity of municipal solid waste is related to the environmental culture of the population of the District of La Tinguiña, 2022”, and the alternative hypothesis: HE2= The evaluation of the level of environmental culture significantly influences the disposal of municipal solid waste in public areas of the La Tinguiña District, 2022”, because the X2obt > X2tab.
Nowadays, the population incorrectly disposes of social networks, generating environmental pollution and impacting their health. The objective of the study was: “Determine the disposal of municipal solid waste in public areas and its relationship with the environmental culture of the population of the District of La Tinguiña, 2022.” Methodology: Basic type, descriptive level and non-experimental design. Sample: 160 residents of the La Tinguiña District. Instrument: 20-item survey, relating the variable “solid waste” and “environmental culture”. Conclusion: Of the variable "solid waste", 65.0% of the participants indicate that they generate biodegradable waste daily, likewise, 55.0% of the respondents indicate that they do not have differentiated containers in their homes for organic and inorganic waste. Of the variable “environmental culture”, 46.88% of those interviewed indicate that they sometimes deposit their waste in public areas, likewise, 47.5% of the participants indicate that they sometimes carry out environmental practices to reduce RR.SS. But, 55.0% of the participants indicate that they are not indifferent when people leave their waste on the streets. For the testing of hypotheses, using the Chi square statistic, the alternative hypothesis is accepted: HE1= “The composition and quantity of municipal solid waste is related to the environmental culture of the population of the District of La Tinguiña, 2022”, and the alternative hypothesis: HE2= The evaluation of the level of environmental culture significantly influences the disposal of municipal solid waste in public areas of the La Tinguiña District, 2022”, because the X2obt > X2tab.
Palabras clave
Residuos sólidos, Áreas públicas, Población, Cultura ambiental, Solid waste