Sistema integral de registro y monitoreo del área de informática, estadística e indicadores de la Fiscalía de la Nación
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La mejora en la eficiencia de los procesos y personal de una institución en la actualidad son
beneficiadas con el apoyo de la tecnología informática. El este trabajo de suficiencia profesional
se propuso e implementó un sistema web en el área de informática, estadística e indicadores de la
Fiscalía de la Nación. El sistema web implementado cubrió algunos módulos que fueron
desarrollados como necesidad de la institución. El sistema web fue desarrollado aplicando los
principios del análisis y diseño de un sistema con la metodología de desarrollo estándar
RUP+UML por ser una metodología flexible y fácil de adaptar para este tipo de soluciones, las
herramientas para el desarrollo fueron de uso libre. Se modelo lo planos del sistema web con
STARTUML, el prototipado del sistema con BALSAMIQ CLOUD, el sistema web fue
implantado en la plataforma de alojamiento web DigitalOcean. Los resultados obtenidos en un
dashboard donde se aprecia el registro de 590 empleados a nivel nacional en ese momento, el
registro de más de 3000 actividades realizadas por el personal, dan cuenta de los beneficios del
sistema web.
The improvement in the efficiency of the processes and personnel of an institution currently benefit from the support of information technology. In this work of professional sufficiency, a web system was proposed and implemented in the area of information technology, statistics and indicators of the National Public Prosecutor's Office. The implemented web system covered some modules that were developed as a need of the institution. The web system was developed applying the principles of analysis and design of a system with the standard development methodology RUP+UML for being a flexible and easy to adapt methodology for this type of solutions, the tools for the development were of free use. The web system plans were modeled with STARTUML, the system prototyped with BALSAMIQ CLOUD, the web system was implemented on the DigitalOcean web hosting platform. The results obtained in a dashboard which shows the registration of 590 employees nationwide at that time, the registration of more than 3000 activities performed by the staff, show the benefits of the web system.
The improvement in the efficiency of the processes and personnel of an institution currently benefit from the support of information technology. In this work of professional sufficiency, a web system was proposed and implemented in the area of information technology, statistics and indicators of the National Public Prosecutor's Office. The implemented web system covered some modules that were developed as a need of the institution. The web system was developed applying the principles of analysis and design of a system with the standard development methodology RUP+UML for being a flexible and easy to adapt methodology for this type of solutions, the tools for the development were of free use. The web system plans were modeled with STARTUML, the system prototyped with BALSAMIQ CLOUD, the web system was implemented on the DigitalOcean web hosting platform. The results obtained in a dashboard which shows the registration of 590 employees nationwide at that time, the registration of more than 3000 activities performed by the staff, show the benefits of the web system.
Palabras clave
Sistema web, Herramientas de desarrollo, Development tools