Influencia de las herramientas de inteligencia de negocios para mejorar la toma de decisiones en la atención de pacientes en la Clínica Médica San Martin EIRL de la ciudad de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo del presente estudio de tesis fue Determinar la influencia de inteligencia
de negocios en la toma de decisiones para mejorar la atención de pacientes en la Clínica
Médica San Martin EIRL. De la ciudad de Ica, para lo cual se aplicó la metodología de
enfoque cuantitativa y el tipo de investigación aplicada, nivel descriptivo y bajo un diseño
no experimental, tomando como muestra 93 pacientes atendidos en la clínica Médica San
Martín, los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta en la que los indicadores pasan la prueba de
hipótesis con un p-valué menor que el nivel de significancia, siendo favorable para el clínica
implementar herramientas de inteligencia de negocios para mejorar la gestión y control de
atención de pacientes. Finalmente, el estudio reveló que la implementación de herramientas
de inteligencia empresarial tuvo un impacto favorable en la disponibilidad de información,
alcanzando una tasa del 95%. Además, se observó una mejora significativa del 90% en la
eficiencia de entrega de informes en tiempo y un aumento del 98% en la eficacia del
cumplimiento de registros ejecutados.
The objective of this thesis study was to determine the influence of business intelligence on decision making to improve patient care at the San Martin EIRL Medical Clinic. From the city of Ica, for which the quantitative approach methodology and the type of applied research were applied, descriptive level and under a non-experimental design, taking as a sample 93 patients treated at the Médica San Martín clinic, the results obtained show in which the indicators pass the hypothesis test with a p-value lower than the level of significance, making it favorable for the clinic to implement business intelligence tools to improve the management and control of patient care. Finally, the study revealed that the implementation of business intelligence tools had a favorable impact on the availability of information, reaching a rate of 95%. Additionally, a significant improvement of 90% was observed in the efficiency of delivering reports on time and a 98% increase in the effectiveness of compliance with executed records.
The objective of this thesis study was to determine the influence of business intelligence on decision making to improve patient care at the San Martin EIRL Medical Clinic. From the city of Ica, for which the quantitative approach methodology and the type of applied research were applied, descriptive level and under a non-experimental design, taking as a sample 93 patients treated at the Médica San Martín clinic, the results obtained show in which the indicators pass the hypothesis test with a p-value lower than the level of significance, making it favorable for the clinic to implement business intelligence tools to improve the management and control of patient care. Finally, the study revealed that the implementation of business intelligence tools had a favorable impact on the availability of information, reaching a rate of 95%. Additionally, a significant improvement of 90% was observed in the efficiency of delivering reports on time and a 98% increase in the effectiveness of compliance with executed records.
Palabras clave
Atención de pacientes, Gestión, Control, Inteligencia de negocios