Efecto de la intervención educativa en las prácticas de saneamiento básico en madres del programa no escolarizado de educación inicial, Pampa de Villacurí – Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El saneamiento básico inadecuado, constituye un factor de riesgo que se asocia a enfermedades
infecciosas que afectan el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la
intervención educativa en las prácticas de saneamiento básico en madres del programa no
escolarizado de educación inicial Pampa de Villacurí – Ica. Material y métodos: Investigación
cuantitativa, transversal, aplicativo y pre – experimental (prueba pre y postest en un solo grupo),
con muestra de 45 madres, aplicándose la técnica de entrevista y observacional, como instrumento
una lista de cotejo validado en el contexto nacional. Resultados: En el pretest, las prácticas de
saneamiento básico fueron en mayor proporción inadecuadas 53.3%; por dimensiones las
prácticas poco adecuadas predominaron en el consumo de agua 55.6%, y las prácticas inadecuadas
predominaron en la manipulación de alimentos 44.4%, en eliminación de excretas 62.2%, y en la
disposición de residuos sólidos 46.7%. Al conocer los resultados del postest, se halló una mejora
del saneamiento básico, evidenciándose que las madres en su mayoría presentaron prácticas
adecuadas 91.1%, al igual que en las cuatro dimensiones evaluadas; en consumo de agua con
88.9%, manipulación de alimentos 93.3%, eliminación de excretas 97.8%, y eliminación de
residuos sólidos 95.5%. La prueba estadística de T de Student halló efecto significativo de la
intervención educativa en las prácticas de saneamiento básico (p=0.000), al igual que en las cuatro
dimensiones (p<0.05). Conclusiones: La intervención educativa tiene efecto significativo en las
prácticas de saneamiento básico en madres del programa no escolarizado de educación inicial
Pampa de Villacurí – Ica.
Inadequate basic sanitation is a risk factor associated with infectious diseases that affect child growth and development. Objective: Determine the effect of educational intervention on basic sanitation practices in mothers of the Pampa of Villacurí – Ica non-school initial education program. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, applicative and pre-experimental research (pre- and post-test in a single group), with a sample of 45 mothers, applying the survey interview and observation, as an instrument, an checklist validated in the national context. Results: In the pretest, basic sanitation practices were mostly inadequate 53.3%; By dimensions, unsuitable practices predominated in water consumption 55.6%, and inappropriate practices predominated in food handling 44.4%, excreta disposal 62.2%, and solid waste disposal 46.7%. Upon knowing the results of the post-test, there was an improvement in basic sanitation, showing that the majority of mothers presented adequate practices 91.1%, as well as in the four dimensions evaluated with water consumption 88.9%, food handling 93.3%, excreta disposal 97.8%, waste disposal 95.5%. The Student's T statistical test found a significant effect of the educational intervention on basic sanitation practices (p=0.000), as well as in the four dimensions (p<0.05). Conclusions: The educational intervention has a significant effect on basic sanitation practices in mothers of the non-school initial education program Pampa of Villacurí – Ica.
Inadequate basic sanitation is a risk factor associated with infectious diseases that affect child growth and development. Objective: Determine the effect of educational intervention on basic sanitation practices in mothers of the Pampa of Villacurí – Ica non-school initial education program. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, applicative and pre-experimental research (pre- and post-test in a single group), with a sample of 45 mothers, applying the survey interview and observation, as an instrument, an checklist validated in the national context. Results: In the pretest, basic sanitation practices were mostly inadequate 53.3%; By dimensions, unsuitable practices predominated in water consumption 55.6%, and inappropriate practices predominated in food handling 44.4%, excreta disposal 62.2%, and solid waste disposal 46.7%. Upon knowing the results of the post-test, there was an improvement in basic sanitation, showing that the majority of mothers presented adequate practices 91.1%, as well as in the four dimensions evaluated with water consumption 88.9%, food handling 93.3%, excreta disposal 97.8%, waste disposal 95.5%. The Student's T statistical test found a significant effect of the educational intervention on basic sanitation practices (p=0.000), as well as in the four dimensions (p<0.05). Conclusions: The educational intervention has a significant effect on basic sanitation practices in mothers of the non-school initial education program Pampa of Villacurí – Ica.
Palabras clave
Intervención educativa, Prácticas, Saneamiento básico, Mothers, Educational intervention