Centro de interpretación cultural en el distrito de Salas Guadalupe para la provincia de Ica - tema: revalidación del patrimonio cultural en el turismo vivencial para el desarrollo sostenible del distrito de Salas Guadalupe, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es desarrollar una propuesta del diseño
urbano arquitectónico de un Centro de Interpretación Cultural en el Distrito de Salas, provincia
y departamento de Ica, con la finalidad de lograr los equipamientos necesarios para poner en
puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural a nivel local, regional y nacional; debido a la falta de
equipamientos y/o infraestructura que promuevan la identidad cultural de la zona.
Metodológicamente el estudio es Cualitativo descriptivo y relacional, que permite procesar los
datos obtenidos de trabajo de campo, información brindada por la Municipalidad distrital e
instituciones públicas y privadas orientados al desarrollo, promoción y puesta en valor del
patrimonio cultural.
Como resultados del trabajo de investigación se ha obtenido el contexto territorial, el
análisis urbano y la propuesta arquitectónica del Centro de Interpretación Cultural en el distrito
de Salas, provincia y departamento de Ica, concluyendo que la Propuesta se desarrollara de
acuerdo a la realidad del lugar, tomando en consideración su emplazamiento, ubicación,
características físicas, accesibilidad, programa arquitectónico, concepto, zonificación,
volumetría y materialidad. Lo que permite la integración adecuada del Proyecto, a nivel local,
regional y nacional.
The objective of this research work is to develop a proposal for the urban architectural design of a Cultural Interpretation Center in the District of Salas, province and department of Ica, with the purpose of achieving the necessary equipment to enhance the cultural heritage. at local, regional and national levels; due to the lack of equipment and/or infrastructure that promotes the cultural identity of the area. Methodologically, the study is qualitative, descriptive and relational, which allows processing the data obtained from field work, information provided by the district municipality and public and private institutions aimed at the development, promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage. As a result of the research work, the territorial context, the urban analysis and the architectural proposal of the Cultural Interpretation Center in the district of Salas, province and department of Ica have been obtained, concluding that the Proposal will be developed according to the reality of the place, taking into consideration its location, location, physical characteristics, accessibility, architectural program, concept, zoning, volumetry and materiality. Which allows the adequate integration of the Project, at the local, regional and national level.
The objective of this research work is to develop a proposal for the urban architectural design of a Cultural Interpretation Center in the District of Salas, province and department of Ica, with the purpose of achieving the necessary equipment to enhance the cultural heritage. at local, regional and national levels; due to the lack of equipment and/or infrastructure that promotes the cultural identity of the area. Methodologically, the study is qualitative, descriptive and relational, which allows processing the data obtained from field work, information provided by the district municipality and public and private institutions aimed at the development, promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage. As a result of the research work, the territorial context, the urban analysis and the architectural proposal of the Cultural Interpretation Center in the district of Salas, province and department of Ica have been obtained, concluding that the Proposal will be developed according to the reality of the place, taking into consideration its location, location, physical characteristics, accessibility, architectural program, concept, zoning, volumetry and materiality. Which allows the adequate integration of the Project, at the local, regional and national level.
Palabras clave
Centro de interpretación, Puesta en valor, Patrimonio cultural, Proyecto urbano arquitectónico, Urban environment