Evaluación de los factores de riesgo físico y ergonómico en la seguridad y salud laboral de los trabajadores del Camal Municipal de Chincha, provincia de Chincha, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
En el camal municipal de Chincha, actualmente, se están empleando técnicas obsoletas de
faenamiento de animales, que afecta directamente la salud del trabajador y en la calidad del
producto. Se planteo como Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo físico y ergonómico en la
“Seguridad y Salud Laboral” de los “trabajadores del Camal Municipal de Chincha,
Provincia de Chincha, 2023. Metodología: tipo y nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental, la
población estuvo constituida por el Camal Municipal y la muestra por el personal de faenamiento
donde laboran quince personas. Resultados: Los riesgos físicos identificados en el faenado
bovino: T° = 27,83°C y Humedad = 73,125; Ruido = 77,125 dB, está por debajo de los limites
aceptables (85 dB); Iluminación = 421,52 lx, está por debajo de los limites aceptables (500 lx) y
Señalética = Deficiente: En el faenado porcino: T° = 30,25°C y Humedad = 60,57; Ruido = 77,625
dB, está por debajo de los limites aceptables (85 dB); Iluminación = 503,29 lx, supera los límites
aceptables (500 lx) y Señalética = Deficiente. Conclusiones: Mediante el Método OWAS, se ha
determinado el “nivel de riesgo de partes corporales” en los diferentes puestos de trabajo del
faenado, específicamente en el sangrado, descuerado y eviscerado, producto de las posiciones
forzadas de trabajo, como, estar parado durante largos periodos de tiempo, que les originan
molestias en la zona dorsal y lumbar de la espalda.
In the municipal slaughterhouse of Chincha, obsolete animal slaughter techniques are currently being used, which directly affects the health of the worker and the quality of the product. The objective was: Identify the physical and ergonomic risk factors in the Occupational Safety and Health of the workers of the Municipal Chamber of Chincha, Province of Chincha, 2023. Methodology: type and descriptive level and non-experimental design, the population was constituted by the Municipal Chamber and the sample by the slaughtering staff where fifteen people work. Results: The physical risks identified in cattle slaughter: T° = 27.83°C and Humidity = 73.125; Noise = 77.125 dB, it is below the acceptable limits (85 dB); Lighting = 421.52 lx, is below the acceptable limits (500 lx) and Signage = Poor: In pig slaughter: T° = 30.25°C and Humidity = 60.57; Noise = 77,625 dB, it is below the acceptable limits (85 dB); Lighting = 503.29 lx, exceeds acceptable limits (500 lx) and Signage = Poor. Conclusions: Using the OWAS Method, the “risk level of body parts” has been determined in the different slaughtering jobs, specifically in bleeding, skinning and gutting, due to forced work positions, such as standing. for long periods of time, which causes discomfort in the dorsal and lumbar areas of the back.
In the municipal slaughterhouse of Chincha, obsolete animal slaughter techniques are currently being used, which directly affects the health of the worker and the quality of the product. The objective was: Identify the physical and ergonomic risk factors in the Occupational Safety and Health of the workers of the Municipal Chamber of Chincha, Province of Chincha, 2023. Methodology: type and descriptive level and non-experimental design, the population was constituted by the Municipal Chamber and the sample by the slaughtering staff where fifteen people work. Results: The physical risks identified in cattle slaughter: T° = 27.83°C and Humidity = 73.125; Noise = 77.125 dB, it is below the acceptable limits (85 dB); Lighting = 421.52 lx, is below the acceptable limits (500 lx) and Signage = Poor: In pig slaughter: T° = 30.25°C and Humidity = 60.57; Noise = 77,625 dB, it is below the acceptable limits (85 dB); Lighting = 503.29 lx, exceeds acceptable limits (500 lx) and Signage = Poor. Conclusions: Using the OWAS Method, the “risk level of body parts” has been determined in the different slaughtering jobs, specifically in bleeding, skinning and gutting, due to forced work positions, such as standing. for long periods of time, which causes discomfort in the dorsal and lumbar areas of the back.
Palabras clave
Camal, Faenado de animales, Riesgos físicos, Ergonómicos, Ergonomic risks