Evaluación de la calidad de las aguas marinas y su relación con las fuentes de contaminación en las playas turísticas de Ocucaje, Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Objetivo, fue Identificar que la estimación de la concentración de material particulado
en el área de tránsito vehicular influye significativamente en la calidad del aire en el
distrito de Salas, Ica. Material y Métodos el estudio realizado de tipo observacionalprospectivo-longitudinal, nivel descriptivo, diseño experimental, la investigación
aplicada. Resultados, obtenidos del Índice de Calidad del Agua Marina (ICAM) para
las playas Gallinazo, La Yerba y Punta Lomitas en las fechas 21/01/2023 y 11/02/2023
indicaron que la calidad del agua marina se encuentra dentro de la categoría adecuada,
de acuerdo con la escala establecida (70 < μ (Categoría: Adecuada) ≤ 90). Los valores
obtenidos para los puntos de monitoreo AR-1, AR-2, AR-3, AR-4, AR-5 y AR-6 fueron
84.23, 83.98, 85.12, 84.76, 85.03 y 64.57 respectivamente. Estos resultados resaltan la
importancia de mantener una vigilancia constante para prevenir posibles fuentes de
contaminación y promover acciones que contribuyan a la conservación del medio
ambiente. Asimismo, se recomienda generar conciencia en la sociedad acerca de la
importancia de cuidar y proteger el entorno natural. Discusión, Los resultados obtenidos
respaldan la hipótesis planteada y confirman que las condiciones del agua son
adecuadas para actividades recreativas. Los valores promedio del ICAM se encuentran
dentro de la categoría de calidad adecuada, lo que indica que el agua marina cumple con
los estándares requeridos para proteger la salud de los bañistas en las playas de Ocucaje.
Conclusión, Es importante mantener una vigilancia constante para prevenir posibles
fuentes de contaminación y promover la conciencia sobre la importancia del cuidado del
Objective, was to identify that the estimation of the concentration of particulate matter in the area of vehicular traffic significantly influences the air quality in the district of Salas, Ica. Material and Methods, the study carried out of an observational-prospectivelongitudinal type, descriptive level, experimental design, applied research. Results, obtained from the Marine Water Quality Index (ICAM) for Gallinazo, La Yerba and Punta Lomitas beaches on the dates 01/21/2023 and 02/11/2023 indicated that the quality of marine water is within the category adequate, according to the established scale (70 < μ (Category: Adequate) ≤ 90). The values obtained for the monitoring points AR-1, AR-2, AR-3, AR-4, AR-5 and AR-6 were 84.23, 83.98, 85.12, 84.76, 85.03 and 64.57 respectively. These results highlight the importance of maintaining constant vigilance to prevent possible sources of contamination and promote actions that contribute to the conservation of the environment. Likewise, it is recommended to raise awareness in society about the importance of caring for and protecting the natural environment. Discussion, the results obtained support the proposed hypothesis and confirm that the water conditions are suitable for recreational activities. The average values of the ICAM are within the category of adequate quality, which indicates that the seawater meets the standards required to protect the health of bathers on the beaches of Ocucaje. Conclusion, it is important to maintain constant vigilance to prevent possible sources of contamination and promote awareness of the importance of caring for the environment.
Objective, was to identify that the estimation of the concentration of particulate matter in the area of vehicular traffic significantly influences the air quality in the district of Salas, Ica. Material and Methods, the study carried out of an observational-prospectivelongitudinal type, descriptive level, experimental design, applied research. Results, obtained from the Marine Water Quality Index (ICAM) for Gallinazo, La Yerba and Punta Lomitas beaches on the dates 01/21/2023 and 02/11/2023 indicated that the quality of marine water is within the category adequate, according to the established scale (70 < μ (Category: Adequate) ≤ 90). The values obtained for the monitoring points AR-1, AR-2, AR-3, AR-4, AR-5 and AR-6 were 84.23, 83.98, 85.12, 84.76, 85.03 and 64.57 respectively. These results highlight the importance of maintaining constant vigilance to prevent possible sources of contamination and promote actions that contribute to the conservation of the environment. Likewise, it is recommended to raise awareness in society about the importance of caring for and protecting the natural environment. Discussion, the results obtained support the proposed hypothesis and confirm that the water conditions are suitable for recreational activities. The average values of the ICAM are within the category of adequate quality, which indicates that the seawater meets the standards required to protect the health of bathers on the beaches of Ocucaje. Conclusion, it is important to maintain constant vigilance to prevent possible sources of contamination and promote awareness of the importance of caring for the environment.
Palabras clave
Turismo costero, Medio ambiente marino, Calidad del agua, Playas turísticas, Coastal tourism