La inflación y su influencia con la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio tiene como finalidad determinar si la inflación se relaciona con la calidad de vida de
los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021.
La indagación es de tipo básico, de nivel correlacional – transversal y diseño no experimental,
asimismo se utilizó una muestra conformada por 200 empresas productoras de harina de pescado
del sector formal e informal.
De la obtención y análisis de datos se ha podido determinar que el 41.6% de los trabajadores
considera que la inflación se relaciona con la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la provincia de
Ica, 2021.
El 44.69% de los trabajadores manifiesta que el desempleo se relaciona con la calidad de vida de
los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021.
El 42.42% de los encuestados expresaron que la hiperinflación se relaciona con la calidad de vida
de los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021
El 39.39% expresa que el índice de precios al consumidor se relaciona con la calidad de vida de
los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021.
Finalmente, referente al objetivo general de la investigación se determina que, la inflación se
relaciona con la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la provincia de Ica, 2021.
The purpose of this study is to determine if inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. The inquiry is of a basic type, of a correlational - cross-sectional level and a non-experimental design; likewise, a sample made up of 200 companies that produce fishmeal from the formal and informal sector was used. From the collection and analysis of data, it has been possible to determine that 41.6% of workers consider that inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. 44.69% of workers state that unemployment is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. 42.42% of those surveyed expressed that hyperinflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021 39.39% express that the consumer price index is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. Finally, regarding the general objective of the investigation, it is determined that inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021.
The purpose of this study is to determine if inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. The inquiry is of a basic type, of a correlational - cross-sectional level and a non-experimental design; likewise, a sample made up of 200 companies that produce fishmeal from the formal and informal sector was used. From the collection and analysis of data, it has been possible to determine that 41.6% of workers consider that inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. 44.69% of workers state that unemployment is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. 42.42% of those surveyed expressed that hyperinflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021 39.39% express that the consumer price index is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021. Finally, regarding the general objective of the investigation, it is determined that inflation is related to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the province of Ica, 2021.
Palabras clave
Inflación, Calidad de vida, Inflation