Propuesta de un plan de capacitación de educación ambiental para el manejo de los residuos sólidos generado por los comerciantes del Mercado Mayorista Arenales - Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Diseñar una “propuesta de un plan de capacitación de Educación Ambiental” para el
“manejo de los residuos sólidos” generado por los comerciantes del Mercado Mayorista ArenalesIca, 2022. Metodología: La investigación es de tipo descriptivo, nivel descriptivo-correccional y
de diseño no experimental-transversal. El tamaño de muestra fue de 160 comerciantes y 120
usuarios que asisten al Mercado Arenales. Resultados: Se realizo la encuesta y los resultados
indican que los comerciantes el 55,63% si tiene conocimientos de los efectos en la salud e
impactos en el ambiente que generan los residuos, el 25,0% algunas veces y el 19,38% no tiene
conocimiento, el 69,16% de los usuarios considera que el Mercado Arenales está muy sucio, el
15,83% sucio, el 10,0% regular y el 5,0% indica que está limpio. Asimismo, los comerciantes en
un 74,38% y los usuarios en un 65,0% participarían en un Plan de Educación Ambiental, para
contribuir en el manejo de residuos sólidos. De la contrastación de la hipótesis principal: La
propuesta de un “plan de capacitación de Educación Ambiental” influye significativamente en el
“manejo de los residuos sólidos” generado por los comerciantes del Mercado Mayorista ArenalesIca, 2022, mediante el estadístico de Chi-cuadrado, se obtiene el valor es X2
t= 9,49 y X2
c =
16,252, por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis Ha y se rechaza la hipótesis Ho. Conclusión: De las
observaciones de campo realizadas en el Mercado Arenales, se ha determinado que los diferentes
puestos de venta generar residuos y desechos que está afectando la calidad de los productos que
se expenden, asimismo, originando contaminación ambiental que afecta la salud de los
comerciantes, usuarios y el entorno, asimismo, las instalaciones del mercado, no presenta
condiciones adecuadas para la venta y consumo de productos que son empleados para la
alimentación de la población, asimismo, los comerciantes no clasifican los “residuos (orgánicos
e inorgánicos)”, mezclan los “residuos sólidos” y líquidos generando la rápida descomposición,
originado olores desagradables afectando la salud de los usuarios y vendedores.
Design a proposal for an “Environmental Education training plan” for the “management of solid waste” generated by the merchants of the Arenales-Ica Wholesale Market, 2022. Methodology: The research is descriptive, descriptive-correctional level and nonexperimental-cross-sectional design. The sample size was considered to be 162 merchants and 120 users who attend the Arenales Market. Results: The survey was carried out and the results indicate that 55.63% of merchants do have knowledge of the health effects and impacts on the environment generated by waste, 25.0% sometimes and 19.38% have no knowledge, 69.16% of users consider that the Arenales Market is very dirty, 15.83% dirty, 10.0% average and 5.0% indicate that it is clean. Likewise, 74.38% of merchants and 65.0% of users would participate in an Environmental Education Plan, to contribute to the management of solid waste. From the contrast of the main hypothesis: The proposal of an Environmental Education training plan significantly influences the management of solid waste generated by merchants at the ArenalesIca Wholesale Market, 2022, using the Chi-square statistic, we obtain the value is X2t= 9.49 and X2c = 16.252, therefore, hypothesis Ha is accepted and hypothesis Ho is rejected. Conclusion: From the field observations carried out in the Arenales Market, it has been determined that the different sales stalls generate waste and waste that is affecting the quality of the products that are sold, also causing environmental pollution that affects the health of the merchants. , users and the environment, likewise, the market infrastructure does not present adequate conditions for the sale and consumption of products that are used to feed the population, likewise, merchants do not classify waste (organic and inorganic), they mix solid and liquid waste generating rapid decomposition, causing unpleasant odors, affecting the health of users and sellers.
Design a proposal for an “Environmental Education training plan” for the “management of solid waste” generated by the merchants of the Arenales-Ica Wholesale Market, 2022. Methodology: The research is descriptive, descriptive-correctional level and nonexperimental-cross-sectional design. The sample size was considered to be 162 merchants and 120 users who attend the Arenales Market. Results: The survey was carried out and the results indicate that 55.63% of merchants do have knowledge of the health effects and impacts on the environment generated by waste, 25.0% sometimes and 19.38% have no knowledge, 69.16% of users consider that the Arenales Market is very dirty, 15.83% dirty, 10.0% average and 5.0% indicate that it is clean. Likewise, 74.38% of merchants and 65.0% of users would participate in an Environmental Education Plan, to contribute to the management of solid waste. From the contrast of the main hypothesis: The proposal of an Environmental Education training plan significantly influences the management of solid waste generated by merchants at the ArenalesIca Wholesale Market, 2022, using the Chi-square statistic, we obtain the value is X2t= 9.49 and X2c = 16.252, therefore, hypothesis Ha is accepted and hypothesis Ho is rejected. Conclusion: From the field observations carried out in the Arenales Market, it has been determined that the different sales stalls generate waste and waste that is affecting the quality of the products that are sold, also causing environmental pollution that affects the health of the merchants. , users and the environment, likewise, the market infrastructure does not present adequate conditions for the sale and consumption of products that are used to feed the population, likewise, merchants do not classify waste (organic and inorganic), they mix solid and liquid waste generating rapid decomposition, causing unpleasant odors, affecting the health of users and sellers.
Palabras clave
Mercado, Residuos sólidos, Contaminación, Educación ambiental, Solid waste