Medidas preventivas de infección respiratoria aguda y complicaciones en niños menores de 5 años en un centro de salud del Estado
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio se realizó con el objetivo establecer la relación entre las medidas preventivas de
Infección Respiratoria Aguda y las complicaciones en niños menores de 5 años en un Centro de
Salud del estado. Material y métodos: Fue realizado mediante un enfoque cuantitativo de nivel
correlacional, transversal y diseño no experimental, la población estuvo conformada por 2714
madres de menores de 5 años que acudieron al Centro de Salud durante el 2023, la muestra fue
de 337, para la recolección de datos se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento 2
cuestionarios, a través del baremo quedó categorizado en adecuado e inadecuado, los datos
recolectados quedaron fueron analizados mediante la estadística descriptiva para que los
resultados sean presentados en tablas de frecuencia con su respectiva interpretación, y la
estadística inferencial para contrastar la hipótesis mediante el coeficiente de Rho Spearman.
Resultados: El 85% de las madres presentan medidas preventivas adecuadas, el 87,8% de los
niños menores presentó complicación por infección respiratoria siendo la rinitis la más frecuente
(42,1%). El 45,4% de madres tiene más de 35 años, donde la mayoría solo contaba con secundaria
completa (86,1%), el 98,8% proviene de Ica, el 94,4% son convivientes, con situación laboral
independiente (57%). Conclusiones: Existe correlación negativa débil pero significativa entre las
medidas preventivas de Infección Respiratoria Aguda y las complicaciones en niños menores de
5 años en un Centro de Salud del estado.
The study was conducted with the objective of establishing the relationship between preventive measures for acute respiratory infections (ARI) and complications in children under 5 years old at a state health center. Materials and Methods: The study followed a quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, and non-experimental design. The population consisted of 2,714 mothers of children under 5 who attended the health center during 2023, with a sample size of 337. Data collection was carried out using a survey technique, employing two questionnaires as instruments. Responses were categorized as adequate or inadequate based on a scoring system. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to present the results in frequency tables with corresponding interpretations, and inferentialstatisticsto test the hypothesis using Spearman's Rho coefficient. Results: 85% of the mothers exhibited adequate preventive measures, and 87.8% of the children experienced complications due to respiratory infections, with rhinitis being the most common (42.1%). Of the mothers, 45.4% were over 35 years old, the majority had only completed secondary education (86.1%), 98.8% were from Ica, 94.4% were cohabiting, and 57% were self-employed. Conclusions: There is a weak but significant negative correlation between preventive measures for acute respiratory infections and complications in children under 5 years old at a state health center.
The study was conducted with the objective of establishing the relationship between preventive measures for acute respiratory infections (ARI) and complications in children under 5 years old at a state health center. Materials and Methods: The study followed a quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, and non-experimental design. The population consisted of 2,714 mothers of children under 5 who attended the health center during 2023, with a sample size of 337. Data collection was carried out using a survey technique, employing two questionnaires as instruments. Responses were categorized as adequate or inadequate based on a scoring system. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to present the results in frequency tables with corresponding interpretations, and inferentialstatisticsto test the hypothesis using Spearman's Rho coefficient. Results: 85% of the mothers exhibited adequate preventive measures, and 87.8% of the children experienced complications due to respiratory infections, with rhinitis being the most common (42.1%). Of the mothers, 45.4% were over 35 years old, the majority had only completed secondary education (86.1%), 98.8% were from Ica, 94.4% were cohabiting, and 57% were self-employed. Conclusions: There is a weak but significant negative correlation between preventive measures for acute respiratory infections and complications in children under 5 years old at a state health center.
Palabras clave
Prevención primaria, Medidas preventivas, Infección respiratoria, Primary prevention