Autoexamen mamario y prevención de cáncer de mama en pacientes atendidas en el servicio de ginecología del Hospital Santa María del Socorro, Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre el autoexamen mamario y la
prevención de cáncer de mama en pacientes atendidas en el servicio de ginecología del Hospital
Santa María del Socorro, Ica, 2023. Material y métodos: Investigación cuantitativa, transversal,
correlacional, no experimental, con muestra de 175 pacientes, aplicándose la técnica de encuesta,
como instrumento un cuestionario validado por 5 expertos (p=0.03125), y con confiabilidad
Kuder Richardson de 0.737 para las preguntas de autoexamen mamario, y Alfa de Cronbach de
0.849 para las preguntas de prevención del cáncer de mama. Resultados: El autoexamen de mama
fue de nivel medio en el 61.7%, nivel bajo en el 23.4%, y nivel alto con 14.9%, por dimensiones
predominó el nivel medio en la observación mamaria 54.9% y nivel bajo en la palpación mamaria
50.9%. La prevención del cáncer de mama fue de nivel medio con 53.1%, nivel bajo en el 28%,
y nivel alto con 18.9%, por dimensiones predominó el nivel medio en prevención primaria 43.4%,
y en prevención secundaria 63.4%. La prueba estadística de chi cuadrado (X2
) mostró relación
significativa entre las variables (p=0.000), observándose que el nivel bajo de autoexamen de
mama, fue predominante en las pacientes con nivel bajo de prevención del cáncer de mama
(18.9%). Conclusiones: Existe relación significativa entre el autoexamen mamario y la
prevención de cáncer de mama en pacientes atendidas en el servicio de ginecología del Hospital
Santa María del Socorro, Ica, 2023.
The study had the objective to determine the relationship between breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer in patients treated in the gynecology service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica, 2023. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental, with a sample of 175 patients, applying the survey technique, as an instrument a questionnaire validated by 5 experts (p=0.03125), and with Kuder Richardson reliability of 0.737 for the breast self-examination questions, and Cronbach's Alpha of 0.849 for breast cancer prevention questions. Results: Breast self-examination was of medium level in 61.7%, low level in 23.4%, and high level with 14.9%. By dimensions, the medium level predominated in breast observation 54.9% and low level in breast palpation 50.9%. Breast cancer prevention was of medium level with 53.1%, low level with 28%, and high level with 18.9%. By dimensions, the medium level predominated in primary prevention 43.4%, and in secondary prevention 63.4%. The chi-square statistical test (X2 ) found a significant relationship between the variables (p=0.000), observing that the low level of breast self-examination was predominant in patients with a low level of breast cancer prevention (18.9%). Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer in patients treated in the gynecology service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica, 2023.
The study had the objective to determine the relationship between breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer in patients treated in the gynecology service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica, 2023. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental, with a sample of 175 patients, applying the survey technique, as an instrument a questionnaire validated by 5 experts (p=0.03125), and with Kuder Richardson reliability of 0.737 for the breast self-examination questions, and Cronbach's Alpha of 0.849 for breast cancer prevention questions. Results: Breast self-examination was of medium level in 61.7%, low level in 23.4%, and high level with 14.9%. By dimensions, the medium level predominated in breast observation 54.9% and low level in breast palpation 50.9%. Breast cancer prevention was of medium level with 53.1%, low level with 28%, and high level with 18.9%. By dimensions, the medium level predominated in primary prevention 43.4%, and in secondary prevention 63.4%. The chi-square statistical test (X2 ) found a significant relationship between the variables (p=0.000), observing that the low level of breast self-examination was predominant in patients with a low level of breast cancer prevention (18.9%). Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer in patients treated in the gynecology service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica, 2023.
Palabras clave
Autoexamen mamario, Prevención, Cáncer de mama, Breast cancer