Factores asociados a la estancia hospitalaria prolongada en pacientes sometidos a colecistectomía en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Pisco en el año 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar los factores asociados a una estancia hospitalaria prolongada en
pacientes sometidos a colecistectomía en el hospital San Juan de Dios de Pisco en el año
Se realizo un estudio cuantitativo, observacional y
descriptivo, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta.
En el Hospital San Juan de
Dios de Pisco, en 2023, se analizaron varios factores relacionados con la estancia
hospitalaria prolongada en pacientes sometidos a colecistectomía. La mayoría de los
pacientes eran mujeres (79.71%) y solteros (81.16%), y tenían ocupaciones físicas
(71.74%). En cuanto a salud, la mayoría tenía un IMC normal (61.59%) y niveles
normales de hemoglobina y albumina, con pocas complicaciones postoperatorias
significativas. La mayoría de los pacientes no experimentaron estancias hospitalarias
prolongadas, a excepción de aquellos con perforación vesicular; comorbilidades como
obesidad, hipertensión y diabetes; o aquellos que recibieron tratamiento médico
conservador sin reducción en el tiempo de hospitalización. Factores como la demora en
la autorización, el inicio de la hospitalización en fin de semana, y la transferencia a otra
unidad no se asociaron con estancias prolongadas.
En general, se concluye
que la perforación vesicular y ciertas comorbilidades influyen significativamente en la
prolongación de la estancia hospitalaria.
Determine the factors associated with a prolonged hospital stay in patients undergoing cholecystectomy at the San Juan de Dios hospital in Pisco in 2023. A quantitative, observational and descriptive study was carried out, the survey was used as a technique. At the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Pisco, in 2023, several factors related to prolonged hospital stay in patients undergoing surgery were analyzed. cholecystectomy. The majority of patients were women (79.71%) and single (81.16%) and had physical occupations (71.74%). In terms of health, the majority had a normal BMI (61.59%) and normal levels of hemoglobin and albuminemia, with few significant postoperative complications. Most patients did not experience prolonged hospital stays, except for those with gallbladder perforation, comorbidities such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes, or those who received conservative medical treatment without reduction in hospitalization time. Factors such as delay in authorization, start of hospitalization on a weekend, and transfer to another unit were not associated with prolonged stays. In general, it is concluded that gallbladder perforation and certain comorbidities significantly influence the prolongation of hospital stay.
Determine the factors associated with a prolonged hospital stay in patients undergoing cholecystectomy at the San Juan de Dios hospital in Pisco in 2023. A quantitative, observational and descriptive study was carried out, the survey was used as a technique. At the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Pisco, in 2023, several factors related to prolonged hospital stay in patients undergoing surgery were analyzed. cholecystectomy. The majority of patients were women (79.71%) and single (81.16%) and had physical occupations (71.74%). In terms of health, the majority had a normal BMI (61.59%) and normal levels of hemoglobin and albuminemia, with few significant postoperative complications. Most patients did not experience prolonged hospital stays, except for those with gallbladder perforation, comorbidities such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes, or those who received conservative medical treatment without reduction in hospitalization time. Factors such as delay in authorization, start of hospitalization on a weekend, and transfer to another unit were not associated with prolonged stays. In general, it is concluded that gallbladder perforation and certain comorbidities significantly influence the prolongation of hospital stay.
Palabras clave
Estancia hospitalaria, Colecistectomía, Factores asociados, Cholecystectomy