Comunicación organizacional y satisfacción laboral del público interno de la Municipalidad Distrital de Pachacutec
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la relación entre la comunicación organizacional y la
satisfacción laboral del público interno de la Municipalidad Distrital de Pachacutec. El estudio es de
tipo básico, nivel descriptivo, correlacional. Como técnica de recolección de datos, se empleó de la
encuesta, el instrumento es el cuestionario, el mismo que ha sido validado por expertos y sometido a la
prueba de confiabilidad de alfa de Conbrach.
La población y la muestra del estudio está constituida por 45 trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital
de Pachacutec. En el caso de la muestra, se determinó usar la arbitraria no probabilística
Luego de los hallazgos obtenidos concluyo que la comunicación organizacional no se relaciona
significativamente con la satisfacción laboral del público interno de la Municipalidad Distrital de
Pachacutec. Eso se demuestra con el valor estadístico r de Pearson es de ,160 significa que hay una
correlación positiva muy débil entre los datos obtenidos, se puede afirmar que existe un 95% de
confianza con los resultados estadísticos, en el ámbito de estudio se puede concluir que hay una
correlación débil entre las variables comunicación organizacional y satisfacción laboral, Por su parte el
valor del Sig (bilateral) es de, 294 que se encuentra encima del 0,05 requerido, restándole
The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between organizational communication and job satisfaction of the internal public of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. This is a basic, descriptive, correlational study. As a data collection technique, the survey was used, the instrument is the questionnaire, which has been validated by experts and subjected to the reliability test of Conbrach's alpha. The population and sample of the study consisted of 45 workers of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. In the case of the sample, it was determined to use the arbitrary non-probabilistic sample. After the findings obtained, I conclude that organizational communication is not significantly related to the job satisfaction of the internal public of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. This is demonstrated by the Pearson's r statistical value of .160, which means that there is a very weak positive correlation between the data obtained, it can be affirmed that there is a 95% confidence with the statistical results, in the scope of the study it can be concluded that there is a weak correlation between the variables organizational communication and job satisfaction.
The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between organizational communication and job satisfaction of the internal public of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. This is a basic, descriptive, correlational study. As a data collection technique, the survey was used, the instrument is the questionnaire, which has been validated by experts and subjected to the reliability test of Conbrach's alpha. The population and sample of the study consisted of 45 workers of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. In the case of the sample, it was determined to use the arbitrary non-probabilistic sample. After the findings obtained, I conclude that organizational communication is not significantly related to the job satisfaction of the internal public of the District Municipality of Pachacutec. This is demonstrated by the Pearson's r statistical value of .160, which means that there is a very weak positive correlation between the data obtained, it can be affirmed that there is a 95% confidence with the statistical results, in the scope of the study it can be concluded that there is a weak correlation between the variables organizational communication and job satisfaction.
Palabras clave
Comunicación organizacional, Satisfacción laboral, Público interno, Organizational communication