Elaboración de un fitofármaco con actividad antiinflamatoria del extracto hidroalcohólico de Cordia lutea Lam (sanguarco)
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la actividad antiinflamatoria del fitofármaco elaborado con extracto
hidroalcohólico de Cordia lutea Lam.
Material y método. La investigación es aplicada, de nivel exploratorio y diseño experimental. 4
Kg. de hojas de la especie Cordia lutea L., se recolectaron en la provincia de Ica, distrito de Salas
Guadalupe, anexo de Collazos, Se limpiaron con agua potable y se seleccionaron las de mejor
condición, se secaron a la sombra y después de 2 semanas en estufa a 38 °C, se efectuó la
molienda. Se obtuvo el extracto hidroalcohólico por maceración. Se identificaron los metabolitos
secundarios con la marcha fitoquímica propuesta por la Dra. Olga Look. La evaluación de la
actividad antiinflamatoria del gel con extracto hidroalcohólico se efectuó mediante la inducción
del edema plantar con carragenina. El tratamiento de los datos obtenidos se realizó con
estadísticos descriptivos empleando excel 16.
Resultados y conclusiones. El screening fitoquímico dió presencia de grupos polifenoles,
flavonoides, taninos, antraquinonas, alcaloides, leucoantocianidinas, triterpenoides y esteroides.
Las características organolépticas y físicas del extracto hidroalcohólico presentaron: Color verde,
olor agradable, sabor suigeneris, pH es 4.3, densidad relativa 1.0431, cenizas totales 2.7% e índice
de refracción 1.3985. Al comparar el porcentaje de inhibición del edema inducido por carragenina
del gel elaborado con extracto hidroalcohólico al 2%, donde el fármaco de referencia (diclofenaco
al 1%) disminuye el edema en 79.59% y el fitofármaco con 64.44% de inhibición del edema
plantar inducido por carragenina.
Determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the phytopharmaceutical made with hydroalcoholic extract of Cordia lutea Lam. Material and method. The research is applied, exploratory level and experimental design. The leaves of the species Cordia lutea L., were collected in the province of Ica, district of Salas Guadalupe, annex of Collazos, a place dedicated to the agricultural field, the leaves of the species were collected in a Kraft paper bag whole plant weighing 4 kg. They were cleaned with drinking water and those in the best condition were selected, dried in the shade and after 2 weeks in an oven at 38 °C, grinding was carried out. The hydroalcoholic extract was obtained by maceration. The secondary metabolites were identified with the phytochemical approach proposed by Dr. Olga Look. The evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of the gel with hydroalcoholic extract was carried out by inducing plantar edema with carrageenan. The treatment of the data obtained was carried out with descriptive statistics using Excel 16. Results and conclusions. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of polyphenol groups, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones, alkaloids, leucoanthocyanidins, triterpenoids and steroids. The organoleptic and physical characteristics of the hydroalcoholic extract presented: green color, pleasant smell, suigeneris flavor, pH is 4.3, relative density 1.0431, total ashes 2.7% and refractive index 1.3985. When comparing the percentage of inhibition of edema induced by carrageenan of the gel made with 2% hydroalcoholic extract, where the reference drug (1% diclofenac) reduces edema by 64.44% and the phytopharmaceutical with 79.59% inhibition.
Determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the phytopharmaceutical made with hydroalcoholic extract of Cordia lutea Lam. Material and method. The research is applied, exploratory level and experimental design. The leaves of the species Cordia lutea L., were collected in the province of Ica, district of Salas Guadalupe, annex of Collazos, a place dedicated to the agricultural field, the leaves of the species were collected in a Kraft paper bag whole plant weighing 4 kg. They were cleaned with drinking water and those in the best condition were selected, dried in the shade and after 2 weeks in an oven at 38 °C, grinding was carried out. The hydroalcoholic extract was obtained by maceration. The secondary metabolites were identified with the phytochemical approach proposed by Dr. Olga Look. The evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of the gel with hydroalcoholic extract was carried out by inducing plantar edema with carrageenan. The treatment of the data obtained was carried out with descriptive statistics using Excel 16. Results and conclusions. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of polyphenol groups, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones, alkaloids, leucoanthocyanidins, triterpenoids and steroids. The organoleptic and physical characteristics of the hydroalcoholic extract presented: green color, pleasant smell, suigeneris flavor, pH is 4.3, relative density 1.0431, total ashes 2.7% and refractive index 1.3985. When comparing the percentage of inhibition of edema induced by carrageenan of the gel made with 2% hydroalcoholic extract, where the reference drug (1% diclofenac) reduces edema by 64.44% and the phytopharmaceutical with 79.59% inhibition.
Palabras clave
Cordia lutea Lam, Inflamación, AINEs, NSAIDs