Los procesos productivos y competitividad empresarial de los productores de espárragos en un distrito del Perú, 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio tiene como finalidad determinar cómo los procesos productivos se relacionan con la
competitividad empresarial de los productores de espárragos en un distrito del Perú, 2024. La
metodología es aplicada, descriptiva-correlacional-transversal y de diseño no experimental; con
una población establecida por 84 productores de espárragos en Ica; cuyo muestreo fue 69
productores, aplicándose el cuestionario como instrumento. La comprobación de la hipótesis
general demuestra que, los procesos productivos se relacionan con la competitividad empresarial
de los productores de espárragos en un distrito del Perú, 2024. Habiendo obtenido un r = 0.635 y
p < 0.000. Este hallazgo indica una relación buena entre ambas variables, sugiriendo que a medida
que aumenta el nivel de procesos productivos, también lo hacen la competitividad empresarial.
La interdependencia entre los procesos productivos y la competitividad empresarial es crucial
para asegurar tanto el éxito como la sostenibilidad de una empresa. Procesos productivos que son
eficientes y gestionados adecuadamente permiten a las organizaciones optimizar sus recursos,
disminuir costos, mejorar la calidad de sus productos y servicios, y adaptarse de manera más
efectiva a las exigencias del mercado. Estas mejoras fortalecen la competitividad de la empresa
al facilitar su diferenciación frente a la competencia, incrementar su cuota de mercado y asegurar
un crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo. En conclusión, la mejora continua de los procesos
productivos es esencial para mantener y potenciar la competitividad empresarial en un entorno
global que se caracteriza por su dinamismo y alta competitividad.
This study aims to determine how production processes are related to the business competitiveness of asparagus producers in a district of Peru, 2024. The methodology is applied, descriptive-correlational-transversal and non-experimental in design; with a population established by 84 asparagus producers in Ica; whose sampling was 69 producers, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. The verification of the general hypothesis shows that the production processes are related to the business competitiveness of asparagus producers in a district of Peru, 2024. Having obtained an r = 0.635 and p < 0.000. This finding indicates a good relationship between both variables, suggesting that as the level of production processes increases, so does business competitiveness. The interdependence between production processes and business competitiveness is crucial to ensure both the success and sustainability of a company. Production processes that are efficient and properly managed allow organizations to optimize their resources, reduce costs, improve the quality of their products and services, and adapt more effectively to market demands. These improvements strengthen the company's competitiveness by facilitating its differentiation from the competition, increasing its market share and ensuring long-term sustainable growth. In conclusion, the continuous improvement of production processes is essential to maintain and enhance business competitiveness in a global environment that is characterized by its dynamism and high competitiveness.
This study aims to determine how production processes are related to the business competitiveness of asparagus producers in a district of Peru, 2024. The methodology is applied, descriptive-correlational-transversal and non-experimental in design; with a population established by 84 asparagus producers in Ica; whose sampling was 69 producers, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. The verification of the general hypothesis shows that the production processes are related to the business competitiveness of asparagus producers in a district of Peru, 2024. Having obtained an r = 0.635 and p < 0.000. This finding indicates a good relationship between both variables, suggesting that as the level of production processes increases, so does business competitiveness. The interdependence between production processes and business competitiveness is crucial to ensure both the success and sustainability of a company. Production processes that are efficient and properly managed allow organizations to optimize their resources, reduce costs, improve the quality of their products and services, and adapt more effectively to market demands. These improvements strengthen the company's competitiveness by facilitating its differentiation from the competition, increasing its market share and ensuring long-term sustainable growth. In conclusion, the continuous improvement of production processes is essential to maintain and enhance business competitiveness in a global environment that is characterized by its dynamism and high competitiveness.
Palabras clave
Procesos productivos, Competitividad empresarial, Production processes