Nivel de conocimientos y actitudes sobre tamizaje de papanicolaou en pacientes mayores de 18 años atendidas en el Hospital Santa María del Socorro, abril - mayo 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Establecer la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes sobre tamizaje de
Papanicolaou y las pacientes mujeres mayores de 18 años atendidas en el Hospital santa María del
Socorro, abril-mayo 2023.
El tipo de estudio planteado es no experimental, con un nivel de estudio
descriptivo- observacional, prospectivo, correlacional, corte – transversal, la muestra es de 384
pacientes del Hospital Santa María del Socorro, la técnica de recolección de datos fue mediante la
Se encontró una correlación de dos colas de 0,218 entre el conocimiento y la actitud
de las mujeres mayores de 18 años sobre el tamizaje de Papanicolaou utilizando el análisis estadístico
Rho de Spearman. Se puede inferir que hay una baja correlación, lo que indica que la relación entre el
conocimiento y la actitud sobre el tamizaje de Papanicolaou y la variable de pacientes mujeres
mayores de 18 años es baja.
Se utilizó el estadístico Rho de Spearman para determinar el objetivo general. Se
encontró un grado de correlación baja, lo que indica que la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y
actitudes sobre el tamizaje de Papanicolaou y la variable de pacientes mujeres mayores de 18 años es
baja con un valor de 0,218, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa,
lo que resultó en una sig. Bilateral de 0.000 y una regla (sig. 0.000 ≤ 0.05).
Establish the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and female patients over 18 years old, treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, April-May 2023. The proposed study is non-experimental, with a level of descriptiveobservational, prospective, correlational, cross-sectional study, the sample consists of 384 patients from the Hospital Santa María del Socorro, the data collection technique was through the survey. Spearman's Rho statistical analysis was employed to achieve a two-tailed correlation of 0.218 in the level of knowledge and attitudes about Pap smear screening and female patients over 18 years of age. This can be deduced that there is a low correlation, which proves that the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and the variable female patients over 18 years of age is low. Regarding the general objective, it was determined through Spearman's Rho statistic, revealing a low degree of correlation, which proves that the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and the variable female patients over 18 years of age is low with a value of 0.218, which resulted in a sig. Bilateral of 0.000 and by means of a rule (Sig. 0.000 ≤ 0.05), it is considered to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
Establish the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and female patients over 18 years old, treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, April-May 2023. The proposed study is non-experimental, with a level of descriptiveobservational, prospective, correlational, cross-sectional study, the sample consists of 384 patients from the Hospital Santa María del Socorro, the data collection technique was through the survey. Spearman's Rho statistical analysis was employed to achieve a two-tailed correlation of 0.218 in the level of knowledge and attitudes about Pap smear screening and female patients over 18 years of age. This can be deduced that there is a low correlation, which proves that the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and the variable female patients over 18 years of age is low. Regarding the general objective, it was determined through Spearman's Rho statistic, revealing a low degree of correlation, which proves that the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Papanicolaou screening and the variable female patients over 18 years of age is low with a value of 0.218, which resulted in a sig. Bilateral of 0.000 and by means of a rule (Sig. 0.000 ≤ 0.05), it is considered to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
Palabras clave
Nivel de conocimiento, Tamizaje, Papanicolaou, Pacientes, Screening