La diversificación y la exportación de uva peruana en el periodo 2015 al 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio tiene como finalidad determinar como la diversificación se relaciona con la
exportación de uva peruana en el periodo 2015 al 2022.
El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, de nivel correlacional y de diseño no experimental, utilizando
la encuesta como técnica de recolección de información y el cuestionario como instrumento,
definiendo una muestra de 200 trabajadores de agroexportadora de uva.
Según la información adquirida se puede resolver que, con respecto al objetivo general de la
investigación, el 51% de los encuestados considera que la diversificación se relaciona con la
exportación de uva peruana en el periodo 2015 al 2022.
Referente al primer objetivo específico se resuelve que el 52% de los encuestados considera que
la diversificación se relaciona con la capacidad de producción de uva peruana en el periodo 2015
al 2022.
Respecto al segundo objetivo específico se establece que, el 49% de los encuestados manifiesta
que la diversificación se relaciona con la capacidad de producción de uva peruana en el periodo
2015 al 2022.
Respecto al tercer objetivo específico se establece que, el 50% de los encuestados considera que
la diversificación se relaciona con el precio de exportación de uva peruana en el periodo 2015 al
Finalmente, se concluye que la diversificación se relaciona con la exportación de uva peruana
durante el periodo 2015 al 2020.
The purpose of this study is to determine how diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. The study is of a quantitative type, of a correlational level and of a non-experimental design, using the survey as an information collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, defining a sample of 200 grape agro-export workers. According to the information acquired, it can be resolved that, with respect to the general objective of the investigation, 51% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the first specific objective, it is resolved that 52% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the production capacity of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the second specific objective, it is established that 49% of those surveyed state that diversification is related to the production capacity of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the third specific objective, it is established that 50% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the export price of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Finally, it is concluded that diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes during the period 2015 to 2020.
The purpose of this study is to determine how diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. The study is of a quantitative type, of a correlational level and of a non-experimental design, using the survey as an information collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, defining a sample of 200 grape agro-export workers. According to the information acquired, it can be resolved that, with respect to the general objective of the investigation, 51% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the first specific objective, it is resolved that 52% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the production capacity of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the second specific objective, it is established that 49% of those surveyed state that diversification is related to the production capacity of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Regarding the third specific objective, it is established that 50% of those surveyed consider that diversification is related to the export price of Peruvian grapes in the period 2015 to 2022. Finally, it is concluded that diversification is related to the export of Peruvian grapes during the period 2015 to 2020.
Palabras clave
Diversificación, Exportación, Export