Estrategia de asociatividad en pequeños productores para la exportación de palta en el distrito de Santa Cruz - Palpa 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el aporte de las estrategias
de asociatividad en los pequeños productores para la exportación de palta en el Distrito de
Santa Cruz - Palpa para el año 2022. Asimismo, presenta como objetivo específico
identificar la relación entre las estrategias de asociatividad y los pequeños productores para
la exportación de palta en el Distrito de Santa Cruz - Palpa. En esa misma línea, se presenta
como hipótesis general que las estrategias de asociatividad impactan positivamente en los
pequeños productores para la exportación de palta en el Distrito de Santa Cruz - Palpa.
Por consiguiente, se considera oportuno que para el desarrollo de la presente investigación
se detalle el efecto del uso de las estrategias de asociatividad, ya que de esta manera será
más provechosa y efectiva la evaluación de sus efectos sobre los pequeños productores
para la exportación de palta en el Distrito de Santa Cruz - Palpa. En ese sentido, fue
pertinente reconocer los indicadores necesarios para la evaluación de las respectivas
variables, tanto independiente, como dependiente y así, detallar el comportamiento de las
mismas en sus respectivas dimensiones de estudios. Para el caso de la variable
independiente, estrategias de asociatividad, en la dimensión agroexportación se emplearon
indicadores como la eficiencia y la eficacia. Mientras que para la variable dependiente,
producción, la dimensión de los pequeños agricultores, permite el uso de indicadores como
la productividad, la competitividad y el rendimiento. En suma, esta investigación tiene un
enfoque cuantitativo que emplea encuesta-cuestionario como herramienta descriptiva para
elaborar interpretaciones posteriormente.
The objective of this research work is to evaluate the contribution of associativity strategies in small producers for the export of avocado in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa for the year 2022. Likewise, it presents as a specific objective to identify the relationship between the strategies of associativity and small producers for the export of avocado in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. Along the same lines, it is presented as a general hypothesis that associative strategies have a positive impact on small producers for avocado export in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. Therefore, it is considered opportune that for the development of the present investigation the effect of the use of associative strategies is detailed, since in this way the evaluation of its effects on small producers for the export of avocado will be more profitable and effective. in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. In this sense, it was pertinent to recognize the necessary indicators for the evaluation of the respective variables, both independent and dependent, and thus detail their behavior in their respective study dimensions. In the case of the independent variable, associativity strategies, indicators such as efficiency and effectiveness were used in the agro-export dimension. While for the dependent variable, production, the dimension of small farmers allows the use of indicators such as productivity, competitiveness and performance. In short, this research has a quantitative approach that uses a survey-questionnaire as a descriptive tool to elaborate interpretations later.
The objective of this research work is to evaluate the contribution of associativity strategies in small producers for the export of avocado in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa for the year 2022. Likewise, it presents as a specific objective to identify the relationship between the strategies of associativity and small producers for the export of avocado in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. Along the same lines, it is presented as a general hypothesis that associative strategies have a positive impact on small producers for avocado export in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. Therefore, it is considered opportune that for the development of the present investigation the effect of the use of associative strategies is detailed, since in this way the evaluation of its effects on small producers for the export of avocado will be more profitable and effective. in the District of Santa Cruz - Palpa. In this sense, it was pertinent to recognize the necessary indicators for the evaluation of the respective variables, both independent and dependent, and thus detail their behavior in their respective study dimensions. In the case of the independent variable, associativity strategies, indicators such as efficiency and effectiveness were used in the agro-export dimension. While for the dependent variable, production, the dimension of small farmers allows the use of indicators such as productivity, competitiveness and performance. In short, this research has a quantitative approach that uses a survey-questionnaire as a descriptive tool to elaborate interpretations later.
Palabras clave
Estrategias de asociatividad, Pequeños productores, Associativity strategies