Comportamiento de la radiación solar ultravioleta en la clase de vida de la población, Cercado de Ica, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La radiación ultravioleta, es beneficiosa por la producción de la vitamina D, pero, cuando la
exposición es excesiva, sus efectos generan lesiones en la piel, enfermedades crónicas como el
“cáncer de piel y cataratas”. Por lo que, el objetivo de la investigación planteado fue: Verificar
que el comportamiento de la radiación solar ultravioleta se relaciona significativamente en la
clase de vida de la población, Cercado de Ica, Ica, 2022. La estrategia metodológica de la
investigación es de tipo aplicada, observacional-transversal-prospectiva, nivel predictivo y
diseño no experimental. La muestra es intencional, constituida por los pobladores que residen en
el cercado de Ica. Se evaluó los reportes meteorológicos realizados por el SENAMHI, en
relación al Índice de Radiación Ultravioleta (IUV), y se comprobó que el departamento de Ica
por su ubicación geográfica (altitud y latitud), presenta los niveles más altos de radiación UV,
registrando un promedio de 15 puntos (provincias de Ica, Nasca y Palpa), en las provincias de
Chincha y Pisco se reportan niveles de 14. Estos niveles están considerados en la categoría
“muy alto” y “extremo”, de acuerdo a lo que señala la OMS. Se construyó mapas, donde se
observó que existen Islas de Calor y la radiación es más significativa. Se aplicó una encuesta de
doce preguntas para conocer la percepción de la población. La investigación concluye que el
49,23% de la población indica que el promedio de horas de exposición debe ser menos de 2
horas, en la ciudad de Ica, los meses de verano son de máxima intensidad de radiación UV, y las
lesiones dérmicas se incrementan; Asimismo, existe una relación significativa de las afecciones
en la salud por “efectos de la radiación UV”, ya que el 43,08% de la población encuestada,
indica que ha presentado algunas veces alteración en la visión y quemaduras de sol, pero el
63,85% de la población señala que el uso de los bloqueadores solares debe ser para todas las
personas que están expuestas al sol, además el 70,0% indica que es importante usar ropa
protectora, sombreros y lentes para el cuidado de la salud, lo que determina que la población
tiene conductas y hábitos positivos para la protección de la radiación UV.
Ultraviolet radiation is beneficial for the production of vitamin D, but when exposure is excessive, its effects cause skin lesions, chronic diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts. Therefore, the objective of the proposed research was: Verify that the behavior of ultraviolet solar radiation is significantly related to the life class of the population, fenced in Ica, Ica, 2022. The methodological strategy of the research is of the type applies, observational-transversalprospective, predictive level and non-experimental design. The sample is intentional, constituted by the residents who reside in the Ica enclosure. The meteorological reports made by the SENAMHI were evaluated, in relation to the Ultraviolet Radiation Index (UVI), and it was verified that the department of Ica, due to its geographical location (altitude and latitude), presents the highest levels of UV radiation, registering a average of 15 points (provinces of Ica, Nasca and Palpa), in the provinces of Chincha and Pisco levels of 14 are reported. These levels are considered in the "very high" and "extreme" category, according to what the WHO. Maps were built, where it was observed that there are Heat Islands and the radiation is more significant. A survey of twelve questions was applied to know the perception of the population. The investigation concludes that 49.23% of the population indicates that the average hours of exposure should be less than 2 hours, in the city of Ica, the summer months are of maximum intensity of UV radiation, and skin lesions are increase; Likewise, there is a significant relationship of health conditions due to the effects of UV radiation, since 43.07% of the surveyed population indicates that they have sometimes presented alterations in vision and sunburn, but 63. 84% of the population indicates that the use of sunscreens should be for all people who are exposed to the sun, in addition 70.0% indicate that it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and glasses for health care, which that determines that the population has positive behaviors and habits for the protection of UV radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation is beneficial for the production of vitamin D, but when exposure is excessive, its effects cause skin lesions, chronic diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts. Therefore, the objective of the proposed research was: Verify that the behavior of ultraviolet solar radiation is significantly related to the life class of the population, fenced in Ica, Ica, 2022. The methodological strategy of the research is of the type applies, observational-transversalprospective, predictive level and non-experimental design. The sample is intentional, constituted by the residents who reside in the Ica enclosure. The meteorological reports made by the SENAMHI were evaluated, in relation to the Ultraviolet Radiation Index (UVI), and it was verified that the department of Ica, due to its geographical location (altitude and latitude), presents the highest levels of UV radiation, registering a average of 15 points (provinces of Ica, Nasca and Palpa), in the provinces of Chincha and Pisco levels of 14 are reported. These levels are considered in the "very high" and "extreme" category, according to what the WHO. Maps were built, where it was observed that there are Heat Islands and the radiation is more significant. A survey of twelve questions was applied to know the perception of the population. The investigation concludes that 49.23% of the population indicates that the average hours of exposure should be less than 2 hours, in the city of Ica, the summer months are of maximum intensity of UV radiation, and skin lesions are increase; Likewise, there is a significant relationship of health conditions due to the effects of UV radiation, since 43.07% of the surveyed population indicates that they have sometimes presented alterations in vision and sunburn, but 63. 84% of the population indicates that the use of sunscreens should be for all people who are exposed to the sun, in addition 70.0% indicate that it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and glasses for health care, which that determines that the population has positive behaviors and habits for the protection of UV radiation.
Palabras clave
Radiación ultravioleta, Ccalidad de vida, Salud, Población, Ultraviolet radiation