Nivel de conocimiento en la detección de signos de alerta del trastorno del espectro autista según enfermeras - Red de Salud Ica, 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar el nivel de conocimiento en la detección de signos de alerta del trastorno
del espectro autista según enfermeras - Red de Salud Ica, 2024. Metodología: Investigación tipo
básica, nivel descriptivo, diseño no experimental – transversal con una muestra de 125
profesionales de enfermería que laboran en el área de CRED de la Red asistencial Ica,
seleccionados aleatoriamente mediante el muestreo probabilístico. Se aplicó el instrumento
sobre conocimiento de señales de alerta para la detección precoz de autismo. Resultados: La
mayoría de enfermeras tienen bajo conocimiento sobre trastornos del espectro autista (TEA)
entre ellos destaca aquellos con 26 a 40 años (62.4%), del sexo femenino (93.6%). Con
especialización (84%), escasa familiaridad de TEA (98.4%) y sin experiencia en el manejo del
TEA (96.8%). Esta deficiencia no solo limita la capacidad de detección temprana, sino que
también afecta el apoyo que se puede ofrecer a los niños y sus familias. El 66.4% tiene
conocimiento medio sobre las generalidades de TEA, 48.8% bajo conocimiento sobre señales de
alerta. 76.8% posee conocimiento bajo sobre protocolos de detección de TEA. Conclusión:
Existe más de la mitad del personal de enfermería que tiene un conocimiento bajo en la
detección de TEA.
To determine the level of knowledge in the detection of warning signs of autism spectrum disorder according to nurses - Ica Health Network. Methodology: Basic type research, descriptive level, non-experimental – cross-sectional design with a sample of 125 nursing professionals working in the CRED area of the Ica Assistance Network, randomly selected through probabilistic sampling. The instrument on knowledge of warning signs for the early detection of autism was applied. Results: The majority of nurses have low knowledge about autism spectrum disorders (ASD), among them those aged 26 to 40 years (62.4%), women (93.6%). With specialization (84%), little familiarity with ASD (98.4%) and no experience in the management of ASD (96.8%). This deficiency not only limits the ability to detect early, but also affects the support that can be offered to children and their families. 66.4% have medium knowledge about the generalities of ASD, 48.8% have low knowledge about warning signs. 76.8% have low knowledge about ASD detection protocols. Conclusion: There are more than half of the nursing staff who have a low knowledge in the detection of ASD.
To determine the level of knowledge in the detection of warning signs of autism spectrum disorder according to nurses - Ica Health Network. Methodology: Basic type research, descriptive level, non-experimental – cross-sectional design with a sample of 125 nursing professionals working in the CRED area of the Ica Assistance Network, randomly selected through probabilistic sampling. The instrument on knowledge of warning signs for the early detection of autism was applied. Results: The majority of nurses have low knowledge about autism spectrum disorders (ASD), among them those aged 26 to 40 years (62.4%), women (93.6%). With specialization (84%), little familiarity with ASD (98.4%) and no experience in the management of ASD (96.8%). This deficiency not only limits the ability to detect early, but also affects the support that can be offered to children and their families. 66.4% have medium knowledge about the generalities of ASD, 48.8% have low knowledge about warning signs. 76.8% have low knowledge about ASD detection protocols. Conclusion: There are more than half of the nursing staff who have a low knowledge in the detection of ASD.
Palabras clave
Trastorno del espectro autista, Nivel de conocimiento, Enfermeros, Autism spectrum disorders