La organización y la socialización del personal en la Municipalidad Distrital de Salas Guadalupe - Ica, años 2017-2019
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La tesis tuvo como propósito Determinar la influencia de la organización en la
socialización del personal en la Municipalidad Distrital de Salas Guadalupe - Ica, años
2017-2019. Problemática que fue fundamentada con los enfoques teóricos pertinentes.
La estrategia metodología se sustenta en el trabajo de tipo Básica, cuantitativa y
retrospectiva, de nivel descriptiva - explicativo y diseño no experimental. La población
estuvo integrada por 119 colaboradores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Salas Guadalupe
- Ica; siendo el tamaño de la muestra de 91 trabajadores de la entidad antes indicada.
Las técnicas utilizadas para recolectar datos fueron la observación, encuesta y el análisis
documental; mientras que para el procesamiento, análisis e interpretación de resultados
se utilizaron las técnicas: Codificación y tabulación de datos, cuadros y representaciones
estadísticas y el Chi – cuadrado para comprobar las hipótesis.
En consecuencia, el resultado de 106.15 superior al valor critico de 55.7585, permite
comprobar estadísticamente la hipótesis principal al 95% de confiabilidad y 5% de nivel
de significación, lo que conlleva a la conclusión general: La organización del trabajo
influye en la socialización, bienestar y productividad del personal en la Municipalidad
Distrital de Salas Guadalupe – Ica.
The purpose of the thesis was to determine the influence of the organization on the socialization of personnel in the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica, years 2017-2019. Problem that was based on the relevant theoretical approaches, due to the study variables. The methodology strategy is based on the type of Basic, quantitative and retrospective research, descriptive - explanatory level and non-experimental design. The study population was made up of 119 workers from the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica; being the size of the sample of 91 workers of the aforementioned entity. The techniques used to collect data were observation, survey and documentary analysis; while for the processing, analysis and interpretation of results the following techniques were used: Coding and tabulation of data, tables and statistical representations and the Chi-square to test the hypotheses. Consequently, the result of 106.15 higher than the critical value of 55.7585, allows statistically verifying the main hypothesis at 95% reliability and 5% significance level, which leads to the following general conclusion: Work organization influences socialization, welfare and productivity of staff in the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica.
The purpose of the thesis was to determine the influence of the organization on the socialization of personnel in the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica, years 2017-2019. Problem that was based on the relevant theoretical approaches, due to the study variables. The methodology strategy is based on the type of Basic, quantitative and retrospective research, descriptive - explanatory level and non-experimental design. The study population was made up of 119 workers from the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica; being the size of the sample of 91 workers of the aforementioned entity. The techniques used to collect data were observation, survey and documentary analysis; while for the processing, analysis and interpretation of results the following techniques were used: Coding and tabulation of data, tables and statistical representations and the Chi-square to test the hypotheses. Consequently, the result of 106.15 higher than the critical value of 55.7585, allows statistically verifying the main hypothesis at 95% reliability and 5% significance level, which leads to the following general conclusion: Work organization influences socialization, welfare and productivity of staff in the District Municipality of Salas Guadalupe - Ica.
Palabras clave
Organización del trabajo, Función administrativa, Socialización del trabajador, Integración del colaborador, Work organization