Prevalencia y características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes diagnosticadas con preeclampsia en el Hospital Santa María del Socorro, Ica 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la prevalencia y las características clínico - epidemiológicas de las gestantes
con diagnóstico de preeclampsia en el HSMSI en el año 2023.
Estudio de
tipo descriptivo ,observacional, retrospectivo y transversal; realizado en el Hospital Santa María del
Socorro, Ica – Perú. De una población de 2354 gestantes hospitalizadas, se usó instrumento de
recolección de datos en 49 historias clínicas, de pacientes con diagnóstico de preeclampsia. La
información recogida se tabuló y analizó vía SPSS® Statistics.
Se evidenció una
prevalencia del 2.08%. La edad predominante fue la de entre 19 y 24 años (36.73%). Tuvieron
mayor afectación las nulíparas (42,86%) ; aquellas con edad gestacional entre 37 a 39 semanas
(53,06%); recibiendo >4 controles prenatales adecuados (81.63%). El 32,65% presentó aborto
previo, el 18,37% antecedente personal de preeclampsia. El síntomas más frecuentes fue cefalea
(53.06%) y ausencia de síntomas 28.57%. El 89,8% presentó hipertensión ≥140/90 asociado a ≥1
criterios de severidad. El 100%. tuvo parto vía abdominal. El 57.14% tuvo complicaciones; la
complicación materna más frecuente: daño hepático (24.49%) y la fetal: prematuridad (24.49%). El
manejo médico incluyó: alfa-metildopa (91.84%), nifedipino (89,80%), MgSO4 (14.29%) y el
quirúrgico: cesárea de emergencia (81,63%). Conclusiones: Hay prevalencia del 2.08%.
Características epidemiológicas como: edad gestacional, paridad y controles prenatales, se
consideraron dentro de rangos normales; con índice elevado de: aborto, antecedente de
preeclampsia, criterios de severidad y de complicaciones; síntoma predominante: cefalea ; y los
pilares en el tratamiento fueron: antihipertensivos y término de la gestación.
Determine the prevalence and clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia in the HSMSI in the year 2023. Descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study; carried out at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica – Peru. From a population of 2,354 hospitalized pregnant women, a data collection instrument was used in 49 medical records of patients with a diagnosis of preeclampsia. The information collected was tabulated and analyzed in SPSS® Statistics. A prevalence of 2.08% was evident. The predominant age was between 19 and 24 years (36.73%). Nulliparous women were more affected (42.86%); those with gestational age between 37 to 39 weeks (53.06%); receiving >4 adequate prenatal checkups (81.63%). 32.65% had a previous abortion, 18.37% had a personal history of preeclampsia. The most frequent symptoms were headache (53.06%) and absence of symptoms 28.57%. 89.8% presented hypertension ≥140/90 associated with ≥1 severity criteria. 100%. She had abdominal delivery. 57.14% had complications; the most frequent maternal complication: liver damage (24.49%) and the fetal one: prematurity (24.49%). Medical management included: alpha-methyldopa (91.84%), nifedipine (89.80%), MgSO4 (14.29%) and surgical management: emergency cesarean section (81.63%). There is a prevalence of 2.08%. Epidemiological characteristics such as: gestational age, parity and prenatal controls were considered within normal ranges; with a high rate of: abortion, history of preeclampsia, severity and complications criteria; predominant symptom: headache; and the pillars of treatment were: antihypertensives and term of pregnancy.
Determine the prevalence and clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia in the HSMSI in the year 2023. Descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study; carried out at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital, Ica – Peru. From a population of 2,354 hospitalized pregnant women, a data collection instrument was used in 49 medical records of patients with a diagnosis of preeclampsia. The information collected was tabulated and analyzed in SPSS® Statistics. A prevalence of 2.08% was evident. The predominant age was between 19 and 24 years (36.73%). Nulliparous women were more affected (42.86%); those with gestational age between 37 to 39 weeks (53.06%); receiving >4 adequate prenatal checkups (81.63%). 32.65% had a previous abortion, 18.37% had a personal history of preeclampsia. The most frequent symptoms were headache (53.06%) and absence of symptoms 28.57%. 89.8% presented hypertension ≥140/90 associated with ≥1 severity criteria. 100%. She had abdominal delivery. 57.14% had complications; the most frequent maternal complication: liver damage (24.49%) and the fetal one: prematurity (24.49%). Medical management included: alpha-methyldopa (91.84%), nifedipine (89.80%), MgSO4 (14.29%) and surgical management: emergency cesarean section (81.63%). There is a prevalence of 2.08%. Epidemiological characteristics such as: gestational age, parity and prenatal controls were considered within normal ranges; with a high rate of: abortion, history of preeclampsia, severity and complications criteria; predominant symptom: headache; and the pillars of treatment were: antihypertensives and term of pregnancy.
Palabras clave
Preeclampsia, Prevalencia, Factores epidemiológicos, Proteinuria, Prevalence