Calidad del sueño y estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad nacional - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Las exigencias académicas pueden originar estrés que impacta negativamente en el curso normal
del sueño en universitarios. El estudio tuvo por Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la calidad
del sueño y el estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad Nacional – 2023.
Material y métodos: De tipo transversal, cuantitativo, correlacional y no experimental,
integrando a 160 estudiantes, aplicándose la técnica de encuesta y cuestionario estructurado con
el test de Pittsburg y el inventario SISCO, ambos validados y con buena confiabilidad en el
contexto peruano. Resultados: La calidad del sueño fue mala 48.1%, y por dimensiones se halló
mala calidad subjetiva del sueño 42.5%, mala latencia del sueño 50.6%, mala duración del sueño
45.0%, mala eficiencia habitual del sueño 43.7%, ninguna perturbación del sueño en el último
mes 59.4%, ningún uso de medicación para el sueño en el último mes 70.0%, y leve disfunción
diurna 56.2%. El estrés académico fue de nivel medio 55.0%, y por dimensiones predominó el
nivel medio en estresores académicos 65.6%, sintomatología 61.3%, y estrategias de
afrontamiento 53.1%. Se halló relación entre las variables (p=0.000), apreciándose que la mala
calidad de sueño fue predominante en estudiantes con nivel medio y alto de estrés académico
(31.1% y 16.4% respectivamente). Conclusiones: La calidad del sueño se relaciona
significativamente con el estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad
Academic demands can cause stress that negatively impacts the normal course of sleep-in university students. The study was Objective: To determine the relationship between sleep quality and academic stress in nursing students at a National University - 2023. Material and methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative, correlational and non-experimental, integrating 160 students, applying the survey technique and structured questionnaire with the Pittsburg test and the SISCO inventory, both validated and with good reliability in the Peruvian context. Results: Sleep quality was poor 48.1%, and by dimensions poor subjective sleep quality was found 42.5%, poor sleep latency 50.6%, poor sleep duration 45.0%, poor habitual sleep efficiency 43.7%, no sleep disturbance in the last month 59.4%, no use of sleep medication in the last month 70.0%, and mild daytime dysfunction 56.2%. Academic stress was of medium level 55.0%, and by dimensions the medium level predominated in academic stressors 65.6%, symptomatology 61.3%, and coping strategies 53.1%. A relationship was found between the variables (p=0.000), observing that poor sleep quality was predominant in students with medium and high levels of academic stress (31.1% and 16.4% respectively). Conclusions: Sleep quality is significantly related to academic stress in nursing students from a national university.
Academic demands can cause stress that negatively impacts the normal course of sleep-in university students. The study was Objective: To determine the relationship between sleep quality and academic stress in nursing students at a National University - 2023. Material and methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative, correlational and non-experimental, integrating 160 students, applying the survey technique and structured questionnaire with the Pittsburg test and the SISCO inventory, both validated and with good reliability in the Peruvian context. Results: Sleep quality was poor 48.1%, and by dimensions poor subjective sleep quality was found 42.5%, poor sleep latency 50.6%, poor sleep duration 45.0%, poor habitual sleep efficiency 43.7%, no sleep disturbance in the last month 59.4%, no use of sleep medication in the last month 70.0%, and mild daytime dysfunction 56.2%. Academic stress was of medium level 55.0%, and by dimensions the medium level predominated in academic stressors 65.6%, symptomatology 61.3%, and coping strategies 53.1%. A relationship was found between the variables (p=0.000), observing that poor sleep quality was predominant in students with medium and high levels of academic stress (31.1% and 16.4% respectively). Conclusions: Sleep quality is significantly related to academic stress in nursing students from a national university.
Palabras clave
Calidad del sueño, Estrés académico, Universitarios, Sleep quality