Construcción de una geometría Fuzzy basada en órdenes admisibles
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga. Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Instituto de Investigación
Las órdenes admisibles en números difusos son órdenes totales que refinan un orden
parcial básico y bien conocido en números difusos. En este trabajo, definimos un orden
admisible en números difusos triangulares (i.e. TFN) y estudiamos algunas propiedades
fundamentales con su aritmética y su relación con este orden admisible. También se
propone una nueva estructura generalizada de los espacios vectoriales ordenados y, en
particular, se considera el caso de los TFN. Además, también introducimos los conceptos
de funciones de premediación en TFN, con énfasis en las funciones de promedio
ponderado ordenadas en TFN equipados con un orden admisible. Finalmente, se plantea
el problema de la unión de vértices centrales con un ejemplo ilustrativo donde se utiliza
el concepto anterior.
Allowable orders in fuzzy numbers are total orders that refine a basic and well-known partial order into fuzzy numbers. In this paper, we define an admissible order in triangular fuzzy numbers (i.e. TFN) and study some fundamental properties with their arithmetic and their relation to this admissible order. A new generalized structure of ordered vector spaces is also proposed, and in particular the case of TFNs is considered. In addition, we also introduce the concepts of averaging functions in TFN, with emphasis on weighted average functions ordered in TFN equipped with an allowable order. Finally, the problem of the union of central vertices is posed with an illustrative example where the previous concept is used.
Allowable orders in fuzzy numbers are total orders that refine a basic and well-known partial order into fuzzy numbers. In this paper, we define an admissible order in triangular fuzzy numbers (i.e. TFN) and study some fundamental properties with their arithmetic and their relation to this admissible order. A new generalized structure of ordered vector spaces is also proposed, and in particular the case of TFNs is considered. In addition, we also introduce the concepts of averaging functions in TFN, with emphasis on weighted average functions ordered in TFN equipped with an allowable order. Finally, the problem of the union of central vertices is posed with an illustrative example where the previous concept is used.
Palabras clave
Números difusos triangulares, Órdenes sobre números difusos, Órdenes admisibles