Crédito MYPES y su relación con el nivel de morosidad, Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio sostiene por objetivo determinar cómo los Créditos Mypes se relacionan con el nivel
de morosidad, Ica, 2023. La metodología es básica de tipo correlacional-transversal y de modelo
no experimental; en una población constituirá por conformado por 61 329 gerentes de las MYPES
en la provincia de Ica; cuyo muestreo fue 382 gerentes de las MYPES en la provincia de Ica,
aplicándose el cuestionario como instrumento. Como resultado un coeficiente de Pearson de
0.654, siendo un indicador de una correlación alta. Asimismo, el valor de significancia fue de
0.000, esto manifiesta que, la correlación es significativa. Asimismo, se da por aceptada la
hipótesis alterna, rechazando la hipótesis nula, indicando que si existe una correlación. Los bancos
en general, establecieron estrategias agresivas de crecimiento y descuidando los principios
financieros básicos que debería cumplir toda empresa para la obtención de un crédito, permitiendo
a sus funcionarios, analistas y apoderados el poder utilizar mecanismos inexactos en la
elaboración de sus indicadores financieros para la toma de decisiones.
The objective of the study is to determine how Mypes Credits are related to the level of delinquency, Ica, 2023. The methodology is basic of a correlational-cross-sectional type and a non-experimental model; In a population it will consist of 61,329 managers of MYPES in the province of Ica; whose sampling was 382 managers of MYPES in the province of Ica, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.654, being an indicator of a high correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that a correlation does exist. Banks in general, established aggressive growth strategies and neglected the basic financial principles that every company should comply with to obtain credit, allowing their officials, analysts and representatives to use inaccurate mechanisms in the preparation of their financial indicators for the decision making.
The objective of the study is to determine how Mypes Credits are related to the level of delinquency, Ica, 2023. The methodology is basic of a correlational-cross-sectional type and a non-experimental model; In a population it will consist of 61,329 managers of MYPES in the province of Ica; whose sampling was 382 managers of MYPES in the province of Ica, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.654, being an indicator of a high correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that a correlation does exist. Banks in general, established aggressive growth strategies and neglected the basic financial principles that every company should comply with to obtain credit, allowing their officials, analysts and representatives to use inaccurate mechanisms in the preparation of their financial indicators for the decision making.
Palabras clave
Problemas financieros, Factores económicos, Cultura de pago, Financial problems