Ejecución curricular y formación docente artística en la Escuela Superior de Música Pública "Francisco Pérez Anampa" de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La formación docente es uno de los aspectos de mayor preocupación en el sistema de educación
superior. Requiere utilizar los recursos y estrategias pertinentes para lograr los objetivos
educativos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación que
existe entre la calidad de la Ejecución curricular con el nivel de la formación docente artística en
la Escuela Superior de Música de Ica. El enfoque utilizado es el cuantitativo pues permite tomar
decisiones acertadas para lograr los objetivos. La investigación es básica, correlacional,
transversal, retrospectiva, diseño no experimental. La muestra la integraron 31 estudiantes
seleccionados de manera intencional y por conveniencia. Las técnicas que se emplearon fueron la
encuesta y el fichaje, mientras que los instrumentos fueron el cuestionario de encuesta y las fichas
de investigación. Los resultados indican que el 93,54% (29 estudiantes) consideran que la calidad
de la ejecución curricular se ubica entre las categorías Regular y Alto. Igualmente, la variable
nivel de la formación artística docente, según 19 estudiantes (61.29%) se ubica en la categoría
Regular y 12 estudiantes (38,71%) la ubican en la categoría Alto. Por otro lado, se ha encontrado
que el coeficiente de correlación entre ambas variables es 0,763238, el p-valor es 0,0000000 y en
el diagrama de dispersión los datos se ubican en las cercanías de la línea de tendencia, por lo que
la conclusión refiere que la relación entre la calidad de la ejecución curricular y el nivel de la
formación artística docente es positiva y significativa.
Teacher training is one of the aspects of greatest concern in the higher education system. It requires using the relevant resources and strategies to achieve educational objectives. The present investigation has as main objective to determine the relationship that exists between the quality of the curricular Execution with the level of artistic teacher training in the Superior School of Music of Ica. The approach used is quantitative because it allows making the right decisions to achieve the objectives. The research is basic, correlational, cross-sectional, retrospective, nonexperimental design. The sample was integrated by 31 students selected intentionally and for convenience. The techniques that were used were the survey and the filing, while the instruments were the survey questionnaire and the research sheets. The results indicate that 93.54% (29 students) consider that the quality of the curricular execution is located between the Regular and High categories. Likewise, the variable level of artistic teacher training, according to 19 students (61.29%) is located in the Regular category and 12 students (38.71%) place it in the High category. On the other hand, it has been found that the correlation coefficient between both variables is 0.763238, the p-value is 0.0000000 and in the scatter diagram the data is located near the trend line, so that. The conclusion states that the relationship between the quality of curricular execution and the level of artistic teacher training is positive and significant.
Teacher training is one of the aspects of greatest concern in the higher education system. It requires using the relevant resources and strategies to achieve educational objectives. The present investigation has as main objective to determine the relationship that exists between the quality of the curricular Execution with the level of artistic teacher training in the Superior School of Music of Ica. The approach used is quantitative because it allows making the right decisions to achieve the objectives. The research is basic, correlational, cross-sectional, retrospective, nonexperimental design. The sample was integrated by 31 students selected intentionally and for convenience. The techniques that were used were the survey and the filing, while the instruments were the survey questionnaire and the research sheets. The results indicate that 93.54% (29 students) consider that the quality of the curricular execution is located between the Regular and High categories. Likewise, the variable level of artistic teacher training, according to 19 students (61.29%) is located in the Regular category and 12 students (38.71%) place it in the High category. On the other hand, it has been found that the correlation coefficient between both variables is 0.763238, the p-value is 0.0000000 and in the scatter diagram the data is located near the trend line, so that. The conclusion states that the relationship between the quality of curricular execution and the level of artistic teacher training is positive and significant.
Palabras clave
Formación docente, Currículo, Desarrollo de habilidades