Propuesta de un plan de seguridad y salud ocupacional para prevenir riesgos durante la ejecución de obras de infraestructura deportiva recreativa, Nasca, Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo fue la propuesta de “un plan de seguridad y salud ocupacional” efectivo que
puede “reducir significativamente los riesgos” durante la ejecución de obras de
infraestructura deportiva recreativa, Nasca, Ica. Estrategia metodológica, para alcanzar
este objetivo, se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva evaluación de las condiciones actuales de
seguridad en el trabajo en el área de construcción deportiva en Nasca. Se realizaron
inspecciones en el sitio, se identificaron peligros y se evaluaron los riesgos. Se tomaron
en cuenta las normativas y regulaciones aplicables, así como las mejores prácticas en
seguridad laboral. Resultados, de este estudio muestran la necesidad de implementar
medidas específicas para garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores y la prevención de
riesgos en obras de infraestructura deportiva recreativa. Se destacan áreas de mejora en
términos de capacitación, equipamiento de seguridad y protocolos de emergencia. “La
utilización de la Matriz IPERC, conforme a la regulación RM N°050-2013-TR”, ha sido
fundamental para categorizar y priorizar los riesgos y se ha identificado que
aproximadamente el 43% de los riesgos son de naturaleza moderada, lo que sugiere que
aún existen áreas que requieren una mayor atención. Discusión, los resultados se
discutieron en el contexto de la importancia de la seguridad en el trabajo en la industria
de la construcción, particularmente en proyectos de infraestructura deportiva. Se
consideraron aspectos como la participación activa de los trabajadores, la supervisión y
la revisión periódica de las medidas de seguridad. Conclusión, busca abordar y prevenir
riesgos durante la ejecución de obras de infraestructura deportiva recreativa en Nasca,
Ica. Este plan se basa en la identificación y evaluación de riesgos, así como en la
implementación de medidas preventivas y de control. Su implementación contribuirá
significativamente a la “seguridad de los trabajadores” en el sector de la construcción
Objective was the proposal of “an effective occupational health and safety plan” that can “significantly reduce risks” during the execution of recreational sports infrastructure works, Nasca, Ica. Methodological strategy, to achieve this objective, an exhaustive evaluation of the current safety conditions at work in the sports construction area in Nasca was carried out. Site inspections were carried out, hazards identified and risks assessed. The applicable rules and regulations were taken into account, as well as the best practices in occupational safety. Results, of this study show the need to implement specific measures to guarantee the safety of workers and risk prevention in recreational sports infrastructure works. Areas for improvement are highlighted in terms of training, safety equipment and emergency protocols. The use of the IPERC Matrix, in accordance with regulation RM N°050-2013-TR, has been essential to categorize and prioritize risks and it has been identified that approximately 43% of the risks are moderate in nature, which suggests that There are still areas that require greater attention. Discussion, the results were discussed in the context of the importance of, workplace safety in the construction industry, particularly in, sports infrastructure projects. Aspects such as the active participation of workers, supervision and periodic review of safety measures were considered. Conclusion, proposes an occupational health and safety plan that seeks to address and prevent risks during the execution of recreational sports infrastructure works in Nasca, Ica. This plan is based on the identification and evaluation of risks, as well as the implementation of preventive and control measures. Its implementation will significantly contribute to the safety of workers in the sports construction sector
Objective was the proposal of “an effective occupational health and safety plan” that can “significantly reduce risks” during the execution of recreational sports infrastructure works, Nasca, Ica. Methodological strategy, to achieve this objective, an exhaustive evaluation of the current safety conditions at work in the sports construction area in Nasca was carried out. Site inspections were carried out, hazards identified and risks assessed. The applicable rules and regulations were taken into account, as well as the best practices in occupational safety. Results, of this study show the need to implement specific measures to guarantee the safety of workers and risk prevention in recreational sports infrastructure works. Areas for improvement are highlighted in terms of training, safety equipment and emergency protocols. The use of the IPERC Matrix, in accordance with regulation RM N°050-2013-TR, has been essential to categorize and prioritize risks and it has been identified that approximately 43% of the risks are moderate in nature, which suggests that There are still areas that require greater attention. Discussion, the results were discussed in the context of the importance of, workplace safety in the construction industry, particularly in, sports infrastructure projects. Aspects such as the active participation of workers, supervision and periodic review of safety measures were considered. Conclusion, proposes an occupational health and safety plan that seeks to address and prevent risks during the execution of recreational sports infrastructure works in Nasca, Ica. This plan is based on the identification and evaluation of risks, as well as the implementation of preventive and control measures. Its implementation will significantly contribute to the safety of workers in the sports construction sector
Palabras clave
Seguridad y salud ocupacional, Construcción deportiva, Riesgos laborales, Prevention, Comprehensive plan