Gestión de la calidad y competitividad de las empresas agroexportadoras de uvas en una provincia del Perú, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La gestión de calidad y competitividad en las agroexportadoras de uvas del Perú ,se
refiere a la implementación de procesos y estrategias que garantizan altos estándares de calidad
en la producción y exportación de uvas, así como la capacidad de mantenerse competitivos en
el mercado global, el estudio tuvo como analizar la relación de la gestión de la calidad y
competitividad de las empresas agroexportadoras de uvas en la provincia de Ica, 2022,
metodológicamente uso un paradigma positivista, diseño ex post facto , correlacional , muestra de 70
participantes de empresas agroexportadoras de uvas, destinándose un cuestionario de preguntas para el
recojo de datos , llevándose acabó por medio de la encuesta de interrogaciones con escala de Likert
sobre las variables de investigación, también se aprovechó el análisis documental, obteniendo como
resultados con un p =0,00 (p<0.05), obteniendo un valor de Rho de Spearman =0,935”, se afirma
que existe una correlación positiva alta entre el liderazgo y competitividad, así mismo con un
Rho = 0,988, con un nivel de significancia teórico p= 0,007 (p<0,05), existe una perfecta
asociación entre la dimensión planificación y competitividad, también con un Rho= 0,982 con
un nivel de significancia p-valué =0,000, se afirma que existe una correlación alta entre la
dimensión gestión de los procesos y competitividad, concluyendo que la relación entre la gestión
de la calidad y competitividad es de rho=,955** señalando una correlación alta entre las variables, p=0,
(p<0.05); evidenciando hay una concordancia significativa y directa entre las variables, a mejor gestión
de la calidad, mejorara la competitividad. de las empresas agroexportadoras de uvas en una provincia
del Perú.
The management of quality and competitiveness in the agro-exporters of grapes of Peru, refers to the implementation of processes and strategies that guarantee high quality standards in the production and export of grapes, as well as the ability to remain competitive in the global market, the study had how to analyze the relationship of quality management and competitiveness of agro-exporting companies of grapes in the province of Ica, 2022, methodologically I use a positivist paradigm, ex post facto design, correlational, sample of 70 participants of agro-export companies of grapes, assigning a questionnaire of questions for the collection of data, taking finished through the survey of interrogations with Likert scale on the research variables, also took advantage of the documentary analysis, obtaining as results with a p = 0.00 (p<0.05), obtaining a value of Spearman's Rho = 0.935", it is stated that there is a high positive correlation between leadership and competitiveness, likewise with a Rho = 0.988, with a level of theoretical significance p = 0.007 (p<0.05), there is a perfect association between the planning and competitiveness dimension, also with a Rho = 0.982 with a significance level p-valué = 0.000, It is stated that there is a high correlation between the dimension process management and competitiveness, concluding that the relationship between quality management and competitiveness is rho=.955** indicating a high correlation between the variables, p = 0, (p <0.05); Evidencing there is a significant and direct agreement between the variables, the better quality management, the better competitiveness will improve. of grape agro-export companies in a province of Peru.
The management of quality and competitiveness in the agro-exporters of grapes of Peru, refers to the implementation of processes and strategies that guarantee high quality standards in the production and export of grapes, as well as the ability to remain competitive in the global market, the study had how to analyze the relationship of quality management and competitiveness of agro-exporting companies of grapes in the province of Ica, 2022, methodologically I use a positivist paradigm, ex post facto design, correlational, sample of 70 participants of agro-export companies of grapes, assigning a questionnaire of questions for the collection of data, taking finished through the survey of interrogations with Likert scale on the research variables, also took advantage of the documentary analysis, obtaining as results with a p = 0.00 (p<0.05), obtaining a value of Spearman's Rho = 0.935", it is stated that there is a high positive correlation between leadership and competitiveness, likewise with a Rho = 0.988, with a level of theoretical significance p = 0.007 (p<0.05), there is a perfect association between the planning and competitiveness dimension, also with a Rho = 0.982 with a significance level p-valué = 0.000, It is stated that there is a high correlation between the dimension process management and competitiveness, concluding that the relationship between quality management and competitiveness is rho=.955** indicating a high correlation between the variables, p = 0, (p <0.05); Evidencing there is a significant and direct agreement between the variables, the better quality management, the better competitiveness will improve. of grape agro-export companies in a province of Peru.
Palabras clave
Planificación, Posicionamiento, Innovación, Agroexportación, Planning