Uso educativo de Google drive y competencias de aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes VII ciclo de la Institución Educativa 22521 “Francisco Flores Chinarro” Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre uso educativo de
Google drive y competencias de aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes de VII ciclo de la
Institución Educativa 22521 “Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica”, 2022. El estudio sigue un diseño
descriptivo correlacional, se trabajó con una muestra de 195 estudiantes a quienes se les aplicó
dos instrumentos cuestionario sobre Uso educativo de Google drive y cuestionario sobre
competencias de aprendizaje colaborativo. Sus resultados evidencian que existe relación entre uso
educativo de Google drive y competencias de aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes de VII ciclo
de la Institución Educativa 22521 “Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica”, 2022 se empleó de la
prueba de correlación de Rho de Spearman se obtiene que existe correlación (<0,05) (rs=0,639)
entre el uso educativo de Google drive y competencias de aprendizaje colaborativo
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills in students of the VII cycle of the Educational Institution 22521 "Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica", 2022. The study follows a descriptive correlational design, we worked with a sample of 195 students to whom two instruments were applied, a questionnaire on the Educational Use of Google Drive and a questionnaire on collaborative learning skills. Its results show that there is a relationship between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills in students of the VII cycle of the Educational Institution 22521 "Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica", 2022, the Spearman's Rho correlation test was used, it is obtained that There is a correlation (<0.05) (rs=0.639) between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills.
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills in students of the VII cycle of the Educational Institution 22521 "Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica", 2022. The study follows a descriptive correlational design, we worked with a sample of 195 students to whom two instruments were applied, a questionnaire on the Educational Use of Google Drive and a questionnaire on collaborative learning skills. Its results show that there is a relationship between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills in students of the VII cycle of the Educational Institution 22521 "Francisco Flores Chinarro de Ica", 2022, the Spearman's Rho correlation test was used, it is obtained that There is a correlation (<0.05) (rs=0.639) between the educational use of Google drive and collaborative learning skills.
Palabras clave
Google drive, Aprendizaje colaborativo, Estudiante, Collaborative learning