Adicción al internet y habilidades sociales en escolares del quinto año de secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Manuel Maurtua, Ica - 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La adicción al internet constituye un serio problema de salud que conlleva al deterioro de las
habilidades sociales en los adolescentes, afectando en gran manera su desarrollo psicológico y
socioafectivo. Objetivo: Determinar la relación de la adicción al internet y las habilidades
sociales en escolares del quinto año de secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Manuel Maurtua,
Ica – 2024. Material y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, transeccional, correlacional y no
experimental, muestra de 157 escolares con técnica de encuesta, como instrumento dos
cuestionarios validados en el contexto nacional. Resultados: La adicción al internet fue de nivel
medio 51.6%; por dimensiones predominó el nivel medio en características sintomatológicas
49.7%, y nivel bajo en características disfuncionales 53.5%. Las habilidades sociales
predominaron en el nivel regular 45.2%, al igual que en las dimensiones comunicación 49.0%,
autoestima 43.3%, y toma de decisiones 50.3%, sin embargo la dimensión asertividad fue de nivel
deficiente 52.2%. El estadístico de Rho de Spearman encontró relación entre variables (p=0.000),
comportándose de forma inversa y moderada (r = -0.480), ya que hubo mayor proporción nivel
deficiente de habilidades sociales en escolares con nivel alto de adicción al internet (11.5%).
Conclusiones: La adicción al internet se relaciona de forma significativa con las habilidades
sociales en escolares del quinto año de secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Manuel Maurtua,
Ica – 2024.
Internet addiction constitutes a serious health problem that leads to the deterioration of social skills in adolescents, greatly affecting their psychological and socio-affective development. Objective: Determine the relationship between internet addiction and social skills in students in the fifth year of secondary school at the Víctor Manuel Maurtua National School, Ica – 2024. Material and methods: Quantitative, transectional, correlational and non-experimental study, sample of 157 schoolchildren. with survey technique, as an instrument two questionnaires validated in the national context. Results: Internet addiction was medium level 51.6%; By dimensions, the medium level in symptomatological characteristics predominated 49.7%, and the low level in dysfunctional characteristics 53.5%. Social skills predominated at the regular level 45.2%, as did the dimensions communication 49.0%, self-esteem 43.3%, and decision making 50.3%, however the assertiveness dimension was at a poor level 52.2%. Spearman's Rho statistic found a relationship between variables (p = 0.000), behaving in an inverse and moderate manner (r = -0.480), since there was a greater proportion of poor levels of social skills in schoolchildren with a high level of Internet addiction (11.5 %). Conclusions: Internet addiction is significantly related to social skills in students in the fifth year of secondary school at the Víctor Manuel Maurtua National School, Ica – 2024.
Internet addiction constitutes a serious health problem that leads to the deterioration of social skills in adolescents, greatly affecting their psychological and socio-affective development. Objective: Determine the relationship between internet addiction and social skills in students in the fifth year of secondary school at the Víctor Manuel Maurtua National School, Ica – 2024. Material and methods: Quantitative, transectional, correlational and non-experimental study, sample of 157 schoolchildren. with survey technique, as an instrument two questionnaires validated in the national context. Results: Internet addiction was medium level 51.6%; By dimensions, the medium level in symptomatological characteristics predominated 49.7%, and the low level in dysfunctional characteristics 53.5%. Social skills predominated at the regular level 45.2%, as did the dimensions communication 49.0%, self-esteem 43.3%, and decision making 50.3%, however the assertiveness dimension was at a poor level 52.2%. Spearman's Rho statistic found a relationship between variables (p = 0.000), behaving in an inverse and moderate manner (r = -0.480), since there was a greater proportion of poor levels of social skills in schoolchildren with a high level of Internet addiction (11.5 %). Conclusions: Internet addiction is significantly related to social skills in students in the fifth year of secondary school at the Víctor Manuel Maurtua National School, Ica – 2024.
Palabras clave
Adicción, Internet, Habilidades sociales, Addiction