Ejecución de actividades de dramatización para desarrollar la expresión oral en estudiantes de primer grado de secundaria en la Institución Educativa “José Toribio Polo” de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La expresión oral es indispensable para que el ser humano se comunique e interactúe con sus
semejantes. Su desarrollo desde las primeras etapas de formación es una necesidad. Ayuda a
adquirir conocimientos, enriquecer su cultura y desarrollar su personalidad. Esta investigación
tiene objetivo determinar la influencia que ejerce la Ejecución de actividades de dramatización en
el “desarrollo de la expresión oral” en estudiantes de primer grado de secundaria. Fue de tipo
aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo, prospectivo y longitudinal, con diseño Cuasiexperimental. La
muestra la integraron 26 estudiantes seleccionados mediante el muestro intencional y por
conveniencia. El instrumento fue una Guía de observación con 15 ítems distribuidos en las
dimensiones: “se expresa con claridad”, “se expresa con fluidez” y se “expresa con coherencia”.
Se evaluó a los estudiantes en cuatro oportunidades: dos pretest y dos postest. Los resultados
refieren que en la primera evaluación pretest 19 estudiantes (73,08%), la gran mayoría, se
ubicaron en las categorías Muy Bajo y Bajo, pero después de ejecutar las actividades programadas
estos resultados se revirtieron, de modo que al culminar la segunda evaluación postest 24
estudiantes (92,30%), se posicionaron en las dos categorías superiores: Alto y Muy Alto. Además,
el p-valor obtenido es 0,00000000 que se encuentra muy debajo del margen de error y que
evidencia la significatividad de los resultados. La conclusión principal fue que se comprobó la
influencia positiva y significativa de las actividades de dramatización en el desarrollo de la
expresión oral, en estudiantes que integraron la muestra.
Oral expression is essential for human beings to communicate and interact with their peers. Its development from the early stages of formation is a necessity. It helps to acquire knowledge, enrich their culture and develop their personality. This research aims to determine the influence exerted by the Execution of dramatization activities in the "development of oral expression" in first grade high school students. It was of the applied type, quantitative, prospective and longitudinal approach, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample was made up of 26 students selected through intentional and convenience sampling. The instrument was an Observation Guide with 15 items distributed in the dimensions: "expresses clearly", "expresses fluently" and "expresses coherently". Students were evaluated four times: two pretest and two posttest. The results indicate that in the first pretest evaluation, 19 students (73.08%), the vast majority, were placed in the Very Low and Low categories, but after executing the programmed activities, these results were reversed, so that at the end of the second post-test evaluation, 24 students (92.30%) were positioned in the two upper categories: High and Very High. In addition, the p-value obtained is 0.00000000, which is well below the margin of error and shows the significance of the results. The main conclusion was that the positive and significant influence of the dramatization activities in the development of oral expression was verified, in students that integrated the sample.
Oral expression is essential for human beings to communicate and interact with their peers. Its development from the early stages of formation is a necessity. It helps to acquire knowledge, enrich their culture and develop their personality. This research aims to determine the influence exerted by the Execution of dramatization activities in the "development of oral expression" in first grade high school students. It was of the applied type, quantitative, prospective and longitudinal approach, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample was made up of 26 students selected through intentional and convenience sampling. The instrument was an Observation Guide with 15 items distributed in the dimensions: "expresses clearly", "expresses fluently" and "expresses coherently". Students were evaluated four times: two pretest and two posttest. The results indicate that in the first pretest evaluation, 19 students (73.08%), the vast majority, were placed in the Very Low and Low categories, but after executing the programmed activities, these results were reversed, so that at the end of the second post-test evaluation, 24 students (92.30%) were positioned in the two upper categories: High and Very High. In addition, the p-value obtained is 0.00000000, which is well below the margin of error and shows the significance of the results. The main conclusion was that the positive and significant influence of the dramatization activities in the development of oral expression was verified, in students that integrated the sample.
Palabras clave
Dramatización, Fluidez verbal, Competencias, Verbal fluency