Implementación de un sistema de gestión de cola, para la optimización de entrega de citas en el Hospital Regional de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional tuvo como finalidad mejorar la atención del
área de citas del hospital Regional de Ica, para lo cual se planteó la solución mediante la
Implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de Colas, la metodología manejada para el
trabajo se basó en SCRUM por sus principios de agilidad en el desarrollo de software,
siguiendo las fases de la metodología iniciando con la creación del Product Backlog, con
todas las historias de usuario que se debían implementar. La metodología incluye la
administración del proyecto por medio de la herramienta tecnológica Trello, para el control
de la planificación. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, se logró la implementación del
sistema de Gestión de colas, se redujo significativamente las colas en área de citas médicas,
se logró una mayor eficiencia en la atención de las citas, la emisión de ticket para el paciente
elimino la compra de colas o espacios. Con la implementación del sistema de Gestión de
Colas se llegó a conclusión de que el progreso alcanzado en la mejora de la gestión de citas
médicas y la optimización de los procesos internos en el entorno hospitalario es la mejor
alternativa para la mejora continua.
The present work of professional sufficiency had the objective of improving the attention of the appointments area of the Regional Hospital of Ica, for which the solution was proposed through the Implementation of a Queue Management System, the methodology used for the work was based on SCRUM for its principles of agility in software development, following the phases of the methodology starting with the creation of the Product Backlog, with all the user stories to be implemented. The methodology includes the administration of the project by means of the technological tool Trello, for the control of the planning. The results were satisfactory, the implementation of the queue management system was achieved, the queues in the medical appointments area were significantly reduced, greater efficiency was achieved in the attention of appointments, the issuance of ticket for the patient eliminated the purchase of queues or spaces. With the implementation of the Queue Management system, it was concluded that the progress achieved in improving the management of medical appointments and the optimization of internal processes in the hospital environment is the best alternative for continuous improvement.
The present work of professional sufficiency had the objective of improving the attention of the appointments area of the Regional Hospital of Ica, for which the solution was proposed through the Implementation of a Queue Management System, the methodology used for the work was based on SCRUM for its principles of agility in software development, following the phases of the methodology starting with the creation of the Product Backlog, with all the user stories to be implemented. The methodology includes the administration of the project by means of the technological tool Trello, for the control of the planning. The results were satisfactory, the implementation of the queue management system was achieved, the queues in the medical appointments area were significantly reduced, greater efficiency was achieved in the attention of appointments, the issuance of ticket for the patient eliminated the purchase of queues or spaces. With the implementation of the Queue Management system, it was concluded that the progress achieved in improving the management of medical appointments and the optimization of internal processes in the hospital environment is the best alternative for continuous improvement.
Palabras clave
Gestión de cola, SCRUM, Trello, Queue management