Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional para reducir accidentes laborales en la planta chancadora de minerales, provincia de Nazca, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
En los diferentes sectores productivos, los trabajadores están expuestos a tener accidentes y
enfermedades laborales, por lo que es importante aplicar medidas de seguridad que permita
minimizar estos riesgos y peligros, generando de esta forma entornos de trabajo saludables y de
productividad. Por lo que la investigación planteó como objetivo: Diseñar una propuesta de un
“Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional” para reducir accidentes laborales en la
Planta Chancadora de Minerales, Provincia de Nazca, 2022. La investigación es de tipo y nivel
descriptivo y diseño no experimental. La muestra constituida por la Planta Chancadora de
minerales, ubicada en el Valle Las Trancas y a 24 trabajadores que laboran en esta Planta. Se
realizó un diagnóstico de SSO en base a la Ley 29783, y se determinó que es muy deficiente. Se
aplicó la Matriz IPER en los puestos de trabajo y se determinó que presentan un nivel de riesgo
importante (150 y 360), la Matriz IPER en los puestos administrativos, determino que representan
un nivel de riesgo importante (150). En base al diagnóstico, la aplicación de la Matriz IPER y de
la encuesta a los trabajadores; se presenta la propuesta de un SGSSO para la Planta.
In the different productive sectors, workers are exposed to accidents and occupational diseases, so it is important to apply security measures that minimize these risks and dangers, thus generating healthy and productive work environments. For what the research raised as objective: Design a proposal for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce work accidents in the Mineral Crushing Plant, Province of Nazca, 2022. The research is of a descriptive type and level and design is not experimental. The sample constituted by the Mineral Crushing Plant, located in Valle Las Trancas and 24 workers who work in this Plant. A diagnosis of SSO was made based on Law 29783, and it was determined that it is very deficient. The IPER Matrix was applied in the jobs and it was determined that they represent an important level of risk (150 and 360), the IPER Matrix in the administrative positions, determined that they represent an important level of risk (150). Based on the diagnosis, the application of the IPER Matrix and the survey of workers; the proposal of an SGSSO for the Plant is presented.
In the different productive sectors, workers are exposed to accidents and occupational diseases, so it is important to apply security measures that minimize these risks and dangers, thus generating healthy and productive work environments. For what the research raised as objective: Design a proposal for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce work accidents in the Mineral Crushing Plant, Province of Nazca, 2022. The research is of a descriptive type and level and design is not experimental. The sample constituted by the Mineral Crushing Plant, located in Valle Las Trancas and 24 workers who work in this Plant. A diagnosis of SSO was made based on Law 29783, and it was determined that it is very deficient. The IPER Matrix was applied in the jobs and it was determined that they represent an important level of risk (150 and 360), the IPER Matrix in the administrative positions, determined that they represent an important level of risk (150). Based on the diagnosis, the application of the IPER Matrix and the survey of workers; the proposal of an SGSSO for the Plant is presented.
Palabras clave
Riesgos, Accidentes de trabajo, Seguridad, Minería, Accidents at work