Gestión integral de residuos sólidos municipales en tiempos de COVID-19 y su disposición final distrito de Santiago
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación titulada “Gestión integral de residuos sólidos municipales en tiempos de
COVID 19 y su disposición final del Distrito de Santiago”, partió del siguiente problema ¿Cómo
mejorar la gestión y manejo de residuos sólidos Municipales en tiempos de COVID 19 de la
Municipalidad de Santiago?, tuvo como objetivo general, Mejorar la gestión y manejo de residuos
sólidos municipales en tiempos de Covid 19 de la municipalidad de Santiago.
La población estará conformada por los pobladores del distrito de Santiago
El método empleado en la investigación fue el tipo longitudinal-descriptivo, con diseño de
investigación experimental de nivel descriptivo, que recogió la información en un periodo especifico
que se desarrolló al aplicar los instrumentos: Cuestionario, el cual estuvo constituido por preguntas
para la concientización del manejo de residuos se consideró un cuestionario tipo escala Likert
siempre, casi siempre, a veces, casi nunca, nunca, que brindaron información acerca de la gestión
integral de los residuos sólidos, los resultados se representan gráficamente y textualmente.
Para comenzar, se realizó un análisis de la problemática, los costos económicos y sociales
ocasionados por el mal manejo de los residuos sólidos y la escasa conciencia ciudadana
respecto a este manejo, luego de lo cual surgieron los problemas de investigación, a partir
de los cuales se plantearon las preguntas más importantes relevantes para este trabajo de
En este sentido, Las municipalidades tienen competencia en la gestión de programas y
proyectos de gestión integral para beneficio de la población, “Los medios económicos
que ingresan a las municipalidades están orientados de acuerdo a la Ley Orgánica de
Municipalidades Ley Nº 27972, 2003, que establece las competencias en materia de
Protección y Conservación del Medio Ambiente”[1].
The present investigation entitled "Comprehensive management of municipal solid waste in times of COVID 19 and its final disposal of the District of Santiago", started from the following problem: How to improve the management and management of municipal solid waste in times of COVID 19 of the Municipality of Santiago?, had as a general objective, to improve the management and management of municipal solid waste in times of Covid 19 of the municipality of Santiago. The population will be made up of the inhabitants of the district of Santiago The method used in the research was the longitudinal-descriptive type, with an experimental research design of a descriptive level, which collected the information in a specific period that was developed by applying the instruments: Questionnaire, which consisted of questions for the awareness of the Waste management was considered a Likert scale questionnaire always, almost always, sometimes, almost never, never, which provided information about the integral management of solid waste, the results are represented graphically and textually. To begin with, an analysis of the problem was carried out, the economic and social costs caused by the mismanagement of solid waste and the low citizen awareness regarding this management, after which the research problems arose, from which the most important questions relevant to this research work were raised. In this sense, the municipalities have competence in the management of environmental management programs and projects for the benefit of the population, “The economic resources that enter the municipalities are conditioned in accordance with the Organic Law of Municipalities Law No. 27972, 2003, that establishes the competences in matters of Protection and Conservation of the Environment”.
The present investigation entitled "Comprehensive management of municipal solid waste in times of COVID 19 and its final disposal of the District of Santiago", started from the following problem: How to improve the management and management of municipal solid waste in times of COVID 19 of the Municipality of Santiago?, had as a general objective, to improve the management and management of municipal solid waste in times of Covid 19 of the municipality of Santiago. The population will be made up of the inhabitants of the district of Santiago The method used in the research was the longitudinal-descriptive type, with an experimental research design of a descriptive level, which collected the information in a specific period that was developed by applying the instruments: Questionnaire, which consisted of questions for the awareness of the Waste management was considered a Likert scale questionnaire always, almost always, sometimes, almost never, never, which provided information about the integral management of solid waste, the results are represented graphically and textually. To begin with, an analysis of the problem was carried out, the economic and social costs caused by the mismanagement of solid waste and the low citizen awareness regarding this management, after which the research problems arose, from which the most important questions relevant to this research work were raised. In this sense, the municipalities have competence in the management of environmental management programs and projects for the benefit of the population, “The economic resources that enter the municipalities are conditioned in accordance with the Organic Law of Municipalities Law No. 27972, 2003, that establishes the competences in matters of Protection and Conservation of the Environment”.
Palabras clave
Gestión integral, Residuos sólidos, Rresiduos municipales, COVID-19, Comprehensive management