Expresión oral y habilidades sociales en los estudiantes de ciencias de la comunicación de una universidad iqueña, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la relación entre la expresión oral y
las habilidades sociales en los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad
Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2023.
La presente investigación es un estudio correlacional de tipo básico descriptivo, cuyo objetivo
es dilucidar las variables de estudio mediante los elementos que iniciaron el fenómeno y los
resultados potenciales que pueden contribuir a su expansión a través de la correlación de estas
variables. (Hernández et al., 2014)
Como técnica de recolección de datos, se empleó de la encuesta, cuyo instrumento es el
cuestionario, el mismo que ha sido recabo del trabajo de investigación “Expresión oral y
habilidades sociales en estudiantes del segundo de secundaria, Institución Educativa Ricardo
Bentín, Rímac, 2020” cuyo autor es Pretell Santillán Rosa María (Pretell 2021)
Aplicando la fórmula para la selección de la muestra de una población de 221 estudiantes
matriculados en el semestre académico 2022- II, nos da como resultado la muestra de 110
estudiantes que serán incluidos en el estudio. Entre los principales hallazgos se puede señalar
que, si existe relación entre la expresión oral y las habilidades sociales en los estudiantes de
Ciencias de la Comunicación de una universidad iqueña, 2023.Sin embargo la correlación
negativa de -337 indica que a medida que una variable aumenta, la otra tiende a disminuir,
pero lo hace de manera poco pronunciada. En este caso el valor p es ,000 le da significancia
a la relación aún se negativa baja entre la expresión oral y las habilidades sociales de los
estudiantes de Ciencias de la Comunicación.
The present research aims to establish the relationship between oral expression and social skills in students of Communication Sciences at the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2023. The present research is a correlational study of a basic descriptive type, whose objective is to elucidate the study variables through the elements that initiated the phenomenon and the potential results that can contribute to its expansion through the correlation of these variables (Hernández et al., 2014). As a data collection technique, the survey was used, whose instrument is the questionnaire, the same that has been collected from the research work "Oral expression and social skills in students of the second year of secondary school, Ricardo Bentín Educational Institution, Rimac, 2020" whose author is Pretell Santillán Rosa María (Pretell 2021). Applying the formula for sample selection from a population of 221 students enrolled in the academic semester 2022- II, results in a sample of 110 students to be included in the study. Among the main findings it can be pointed out that there is a relationship between oral expression and social skills in students of Communication Sciences at a university in Ica, 2023, however the negative correlation of -337 indicates that as one variable increases, the other tends to decrease, but it does so in a not very pronounced way. In this case the p-value of ,000 gives significance to the still low negative relationship between speaking and social skills of Communication Science students.
The present research aims to establish the relationship between oral expression and social skills in students of Communication Sciences at the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2023. The present research is a correlational study of a basic descriptive type, whose objective is to elucidate the study variables through the elements that initiated the phenomenon and the potential results that can contribute to its expansion through the correlation of these variables (Hernández et al., 2014). As a data collection technique, the survey was used, whose instrument is the questionnaire, the same that has been collected from the research work "Oral expression and social skills in students of the second year of secondary school, Ricardo Bentín Educational Institution, Rimac, 2020" whose author is Pretell Santillán Rosa María (Pretell 2021). Applying the formula for sample selection from a population of 221 students enrolled in the academic semester 2022- II, results in a sample of 110 students to be included in the study. Among the main findings it can be pointed out that there is a relationship between oral expression and social skills in students of Communication Sciences at a university in Ica, 2023, however the negative correlation of -337 indicates that as one variable increases, the other tends to decrease, but it does so in a not very pronounced way. In this case the p-value of ,000 gives significance to the still low negative relationship between speaking and social skills of Communication Science students.
Palabras clave
Expresión oral, Habilidades sociales, Estudiantes, Social skills