Nivel de riesgo disergonómicos y su relación con las enfermedades ocupacionales en los trabajadores estibadores del Mercado Mayorista Arenales - Ica, año 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Actualmente, todas las actividades laborales involucran riesgos ergonómicos, pero, la jornada de
trabajo de los estibadores, que realizan levantamiento de pesos, posturas inadecuadas,
movimientos repetitivos que sobrepasan los límites recomendados, afectan gradualmente su salud
de manera irreversible. Por lo que, el objetivo de la investigación fue: Determinar el nivel de
riesgo disergonómicos y su relación con las enfermedades ocupacionales en los trabajadores
estibadores del Mercado Mayorista Arenales-Ica, Año 2022. La metodología es de tipo y nivel
descriptivo y diseño no experimental. La muestra se determinó de manera no probabilística en
base a criterios de inclusión y se seleccionó a 22 estibadores del Mercado Arenales-Ica. Mediante
la técnica de observación, se determinó el nivel de riesgo: estibadores de costales de tubérculos
(Riesgo alto), estibadores de abarrotes (Riesgo alto) y estibadores de verduras (Riesgo alto). Los
riesgos disergonómicos se evaluaron por el método REBA, se obtuvo una puntuación de 7 (nivel
de riesgo medio e intervención necesaria). Asimismo, se aplicó una encuesta de 15 preguntas a
los estibadores en relación como realizan su trabajo/esfuerzo. La contratación de las hipótesis se
realizó mediante el estadístico de Chi-cuadrado.
Currently, all work activities involve ergonomic risks, but the workday of stevedores, who carry out heavy lifting, inappropriate postures, repetitive movements that exceed the recommended limits, gradually affect their health irreversibly. Therefore, the objective of the research was to determine the level of disergonomic risk and its relationship with occupational diseases in stevedore workers of the Arenales-Ica Wholesale Market, Year 2022. The methodology is of a descriptive type and level and non-experimental design. . The sample was determined in a nonprobabilistic way based on inclusion criteria and 22 stevedores from the Arenales-Ica Market were selected. Using the observation technique, the level of risk was determined: tuber sack stevedores (High Risk), grocery stevedores (High Risk) and vegetable stevedores (High Risk). Dysergonomic risks were evaluated using the REBA method, obtaining a score of seven (medium level of risk and necessary intervention). Likewise, a survey of 15 questions was applied to the stevedores in relation to how they carry out their work/effort. The contracting of the hypotheses was carried out using the Chi-square statistic.
Currently, all work activities involve ergonomic risks, but the workday of stevedores, who carry out heavy lifting, inappropriate postures, repetitive movements that exceed the recommended limits, gradually affect their health irreversibly. Therefore, the objective of the research was to determine the level of disergonomic risk and its relationship with occupational diseases in stevedore workers of the Arenales-Ica Wholesale Market, Year 2022. The methodology is of a descriptive type and level and non-experimental design. . The sample was determined in a nonprobabilistic way based on inclusion criteria and 22 stevedores from the Arenales-Ica Market were selected. Using the observation technique, the level of risk was determined: tuber sack stevedores (High Risk), grocery stevedores (High Risk) and vegetable stevedores (High Risk). Dysergonomic risks were evaluated using the REBA method, obtaining a score of seven (medium level of risk and necessary intervention). Likewise, a survey of 15 questions was applied to the stevedores in relation to how they carry out their work/effort. The contracting of the hypotheses was carried out using the Chi-square statistic.
Palabras clave
Nivel de riesgo, Riesgo disergonómico, Estibadores, Mercado de abasto, Disergonomic risk