Arquitectura planificada para determinar la actividad doméstica en el Sector II del Sitio Arqueológico Chukurpus Santiago de Chocorvos - Huaytará - Huancavelica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente tesis es parte de un arduo trabajo y de mucho sacrificio, que permite entender la
planificación de los recintos arquitectónicos intervenidos y su utilidad. Sin embargo, estos
recintos fueron planificados para otros usos, pero sufren posteriormente sus primeras
modificaciones a consecuencia del aumento demográfico, de manera que son destinados para la
demanda de este y otros tipos de actividades. El objetivo central de este trabajo es entender las
concepciones primigenias de estos espacios arquitectónicos planificados; se tomaron en cuenta
las características morfológicas, el acabado, la implementación de los elementos
arquitectónicos. Por otro lado, a medida que la población iba en aumento, estos van a ser
trasformados para cumplir las necesidades inmediatas de aspecto cotidianas, de manera que, los
testigos son los correlatos culturales, lo que nos permite poder determinar el empleo de las
múltiples actividades domésticas en los recintos intervenidos en el sector II del sitio
arqueológico Chukurpus (1100 DC – 1470 DC). La metodología empleada para el
entendimiento de estas variables, fue la información recuperada en las excavaciones
arqueológicas, así como de artículos científicos, además de las informaciones etnohistóricas, a
través de ellos se logró recuperar una valiosísima información, en relación a la planificación
primigenia y su posterior modificatoria para poder realizar las actividades cotidianas como; la
preparación de alimentos, espacio para servir comida, espacio para la confección de hilados,
molienda de granos, espacio para dormitorio, etc. El tipo de investigación es cualitativa, porque
se enmarca en aspecto descriptivo, analítico y correlacional, la información se recuperó
directamente desde el bien cultural, desde el momento de la cuadriculación de la unidad,
seguido del uso de las fichas técnicas, hasta el cierre de esta, cada detalle fue analizado y puesto
en hipótesis para validar los resultados.
El resultado de este trabajo, es que, definitivamente las unidades intervenidas evidenciaron
notoriamente que primeramente fueron diseñados para almacenamiento de alimentos,
herramientas, posteriormente a raíz del aumento demográfico, el funcionamiento fue variando e
implementado para otros fines, como: cocina, dormitorio, taller, estos testigos se evidencia en
los materiales culturales, la mayoría de aspecto cotidiano. Por lo tanto, se recomienda realizar
un mayor trabajo de investigación y poder engrosar esta tesis, en vista de que corresponde a una
temática muy extraordinaria, no en el sentido de la monumentalidad sino de carácter doméstico.
This thesis is part of an arduous and sacrificial work, which allows us to understand the planning of the intervened architectural enclosures and their usefulness. However, these enclosures were planned for other uses but later underwent their first modifications as a result of demographic growth, so that they are destined for the demand of this and other types of activities. The main objective of this work is to understand the original conceptions of these planned architectural spaces; the morphological characteristics, the finishing and the implementation of the architectural elements were taken into account. On the other hand, as the population increased, these will be transformed to meet the immediate needs of daily life, so that the witnesses are the cultural correlates, which allows us to determine the use of multiple domestic activities in the intervened enclosures in sector II of the archaeological site of Chukurpus (1100 AD - 1470 AD). The methodology used to understand these variables was the information recovered from archaeological excavations, as well as from scientific articles, in addition to ethno-historical information, through which it was possible to recover valuable information in relation to the original planning and its subsequent modification in order to be able to carry out daily activities such as food preparation, consumption, making yarn, grinding grain, etc. The type of research is qualitative, besides being descriptive, analytical and experimental, we intervened directly on the cultural property, from the moment of the gridding of the unit, followed by the use of the technical cards, until the closing of the unit, every detail was analyzed and put in hypothesis to validate the results. The result of this work, is that, definitely the intervened units evidenced notoriously that previously, they were designed for storage of food, tools and things, later as a result of the demographic increase, the operation has varied and has been implemented for other purposes, such as kitchen, bedroom, workshop, this is evidenced in terms of cultural materials of daily appearance. Therefore, it is recommended of further research and to be able to swell this thesis, a very extraordinary information, not in the sense of monumentality but of domestic character.
This thesis is part of an arduous and sacrificial work, which allows us to understand the planning of the intervened architectural enclosures and their usefulness. However, these enclosures were planned for other uses but later underwent their first modifications as a result of demographic growth, so that they are destined for the demand of this and other types of activities. The main objective of this work is to understand the original conceptions of these planned architectural spaces; the morphological characteristics, the finishing and the implementation of the architectural elements were taken into account. On the other hand, as the population increased, these will be transformed to meet the immediate needs of daily life, so that the witnesses are the cultural correlates, which allows us to determine the use of multiple domestic activities in the intervened enclosures in sector II of the archaeological site of Chukurpus (1100 AD - 1470 AD). The methodology used to understand these variables was the information recovered from archaeological excavations, as well as from scientific articles, in addition to ethno-historical information, through which it was possible to recover valuable information in relation to the original planning and its subsequent modification in order to be able to carry out daily activities such as food preparation, consumption, making yarn, grinding grain, etc. The type of research is qualitative, besides being descriptive, analytical and experimental, we intervened directly on the cultural property, from the moment of the gridding of the unit, followed by the use of the technical cards, until the closing of the unit, every detail was analyzed and put in hypothesis to validate the results. The result of this work, is that, definitely the intervened units evidenced notoriously that previously, they were designed for storage of food, tools and things, later as a result of the demographic increase, the operation has varied and has been implemented for other purposes, such as kitchen, bedroom, workshop, this is evidenced in terms of cultural materials of daily appearance. Therefore, it is recommended of further research and to be able to swell this thesis, a very extraordinary information, not in the sense of monumentality but of domestic character.
Palabras clave
Arquitectura planificada, Arqueología doméstica, Materiales culturales, Domestic archaeology