Relación entre el nivel de estrés laboral y la resiliencia en docentes de una institución educativa del distrito de Nasca - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación entre el nivel de estrés laboral y la resiliencia en los docentes
de la I.E. “Angelita Bohórquez Moreno” del distrito de Nasca - 2023
La investigación fue de tipo transversal , retrospectiva y observacional. De nivel
relacional, en una población de 14 docentes, La investigación utilizó dos instrumentos
documentales para medir resiliencia y estrés laboral .docente: La Escala de Agnild and Young
, y el Cuestionario de Estrés Laboral. Los datos fueron trabajados en el programa estadístico
SPSS v27.0, con un nivel de confianza de 95%.
Se obtuvo niveles de resiliencia en base al instrumento utilizado, donde el 100% de
profesores tuvieron Muy Alto niveles de resiliencia. En cuanto a los niveles de estrés, se observó
que el mayor porcentaje lo fue en el nivel Leve con el 42.85%.. En referencia al sexo, 9 fueron
mujeres y 5 varones ; y 10 tuvieron estrés episódico , 2 estrés crónico con 2 sin presentar estrés.
El análisis de datos arrojó un coeficiente positivo de 0,203 cuya interpretación sería
la de una correlación positiva débil entre las variables enfrentadas. Sin embargo, la significación
de la prueba (0,487) es mayor que la mínima aceptable para un IC 95% (p > 0.05) , siendo el
resultado del test no significativo para inferencias estadísticas.
Determine the relationship between the level of work stress and resilience in I.E. teachers. “Angelita Bohórquez Moreno” from the Nasca district - 2023 The research was cross-sectional, retrospective and observational. At a relational level, in a population of 14 teachers, the research used two documentary instruments to measure resilience and teacher work stress: The Agnild and Young Scale, and the Work Stress Questionnaire. The data were processed in the SPSS v27.0 statistical program, with a confidence level of 95%. Levels of resilience were obtained based on the instrument used, where 100% of teachers had Very High levels of resilience. Regarding stress levels, it was observed that the highest percentage was at the Mild level with 42.85%. In reference to sex, 9 were women and 5 were men; and 10 had episodic stress, 2 chronic stress with 2 without stress. The data analysis showed a positive coefficient of 0.203 whose interpretation would be that of a weak positive correlation between the opposing variables. However, the significance of the test (0.487) is greater than the minimum acceptable for a 95% CI (p > 0.05), and the result of the test is not significant for statistical inferences.
Determine the relationship between the level of work stress and resilience in I.E. teachers. “Angelita Bohórquez Moreno” from the Nasca district - 2023 The research was cross-sectional, retrospective and observational. At a relational level, in a population of 14 teachers, the research used two documentary instruments to measure resilience and teacher work stress: The Agnild and Young Scale, and the Work Stress Questionnaire. The data were processed in the SPSS v27.0 statistical program, with a confidence level of 95%. Levels of resilience were obtained based on the instrument used, where 100% of teachers had Very High levels of resilience. Regarding stress levels, it was observed that the highest percentage was at the Mild level with 42.85%. In reference to sex, 9 were women and 5 were men; and 10 had episodic stress, 2 chronic stress with 2 without stress. The data analysis showed a positive coefficient of 0.203 whose interpretation would be that of a weak positive correlation between the opposing variables. However, the significance of the test (0.487) is greater than the minimum acceptable for a 95% CI (p > 0.05), and the result of the test is not significant for statistical inferences.
Palabras clave
Resiliencia, Estrés, Docentes, Correlation, Resilience