La danza como estrategia didáctica para estimular el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en niños y niñas de 4 años de edad de la Institución Educativa N° 25 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti” de Ica, 2019
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
A través de la educación, la danza nos permite reforzar de manera sensible a los niños, no teniendo
presente su edad, debiendo recordar que la psicomotricidad implica estudiar el movimiento dado por
el sujeto y su comprensión formada por el desarrollo cognitivo. El trabajo cuyo fin es: Determinar en
qué medida la danza funciona como estrategia didáctica que permite estimular el desarrollo de la
psicomotricidad en los niños(as) de 4 años de edad, pertenecientes a la Institución Educativa Inicial
N° 25 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti” de Ica, 2019. Para el presente trabajo se aplicó una metodología
cuantitativa de tipo aplicada, siendo su estudio con nivel explicativo y su diseño pre experimental.
Define la población conformada por 30 niños, utilizando la técnica de la observación, teniendo como
instrumento la lista de cotejo, que sirvió para la evaluación de la psicomotricidad. Es por eso que se
obtienen resultados que logran determinar que el logro de la aplicación de la danza afirmada como
estrategia didáctica estimula de significativamente en un 30% el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en
los niños de 04 años de edad de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 25 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti”, Ica.
Through education, dance allows us to sensitively reinforce children, regardless of their age, remembering that psychomotricity implies studying the movement given by the subject and its understanding formed by cognitive development. The work whose purpose is to determine to what extent dance works as a didactic strategy that allows stimulating the development of psychomotor skills in children 4 years old, belonging to the Institución Educativa Inicial N° 25 "Emilia Barcia Boniffatti" of Ica, 2019. For the present work a quantitative methodology of applied type was applied, being its study with explanatory level and its pre-experimental design. It defines the population conformed by 30 children, using the observation technique, having as an instrument the checklist, which was used for the evaluation of psychomotor skills. The results obtained show that the application of dance as a didactic strategy significantly stimulates the development of psychomotor skills in 30% of the 04 year old children of the Initial Educational Institution N° 25 "Emilia Barcia Boniffatti" of Ica.
Through education, dance allows us to sensitively reinforce children, regardless of their age, remembering that psychomotricity implies studying the movement given by the subject and its understanding formed by cognitive development. The work whose purpose is to determine to what extent dance works as a didactic strategy that allows stimulating the development of psychomotor skills in children 4 years old, belonging to the Institución Educativa Inicial N° 25 "Emilia Barcia Boniffatti" of Ica, 2019. For the present work a quantitative methodology of applied type was applied, being its study with explanatory level and its pre-experimental design. It defines the population conformed by 30 children, using the observation technique, having as an instrument the checklist, which was used for the evaluation of psychomotor skills. The results obtained show that the application of dance as a didactic strategy significantly stimulates the development of psychomotor skills in 30% of the 04 year old children of the Initial Educational Institution N° 25 "Emilia Barcia Boniffatti" of Ica.
Palabras clave
Danza, Estrategia didáctica, Estimular, Desarrollo de la psicomotricidad, Didactic strategy