Influencia de la concentración de los espumantes F-210 y F210D en la flotación de sulfuros de plomo con colector Z-11
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación titulada “Influencia de la concentración de los espumantes F-210 y
F210D en la flotación de sulfuros de plomo con colector Z-11” es un estudio de diseño
experimental y de tipo aplicativo en la cual se ha hecho u estudio sobre la concentración del
espumante y su influencia en el colector durante la flotación por espuma en la que se recupera el
sulfuro de plomo (galena). Se ha empleado una muestra mineral constituida por sulfuros de cobre,
hierro y plomo, para cuyo tratamiento se han empleado reactivos depresores específicos como el
cianuro de sodio y el óxido de calcio los cuales deprimen el cobre y las piritas aislando el sulfuro
de plomo que es recuperado. De los dos reactivos espumantes empleados el F-210D es el que ha
mostrado un mejor comportamiento junto con el colector Z-11, habiéndose reportado que con 30
mg/L del reactivo espumante se ha recuperado el total de plomo que posee la muestra que es de
24,7 g lo que significa un rendimiento del 100%.
The present investigation entitled "Influence of the concentration of the foaming agents F-210 and F210D on the flotation of lead sulfides with a Z-11 collector" is an experimental design study and an application type in which a study has been made on the Froth concentration and its influence on the collector during froth flotation in which lead sulfide (galena) is recovered. A mineral sample made up of copper, iron and lead sulphides has been used, for whose treatment specific depressant reagents such as sodium cyanide and calcium oxide have been used, which depress the copper and pyrites, isolating the lead sulphide that is recovered. Of the two foaming reagents used, the F-210D is the one that has shown the best behavior together with the Z-11 collector, having reported that with 30 mg/L of the foaming reagent, the total amount of lead in the sample has been recovered. of 24.7 g which means a yield of 100%.
The present investigation entitled "Influence of the concentration of the foaming agents F-210 and F210D on the flotation of lead sulfides with a Z-11 collector" is an experimental design study and an application type in which a study has been made on the Froth concentration and its influence on the collector during froth flotation in which lead sulfide (galena) is recovered. A mineral sample made up of copper, iron and lead sulphides has been used, for whose treatment specific depressant reagents such as sodium cyanide and calcium oxide have been used, which depress the copper and pyrites, isolating the lead sulphide that is recovered. Of the two foaming reagents used, the F-210D is the one that has shown the best behavior together with the Z-11 collector, having reported that with 30 mg/L of the foaming reagent, the total amount of lead in the sample has been recovered. of 24.7 g which means a yield of 100%.
Palabras clave
Espumante, Flotación por espuma, Colector, Frother