Violencia familiar y ansiedad en adolescentes del quinto grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente estudio tuvo por Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la violencia familiar y la
ansiedad en los adolescentes del quinto grado de secundaria de la IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024.
Material y métodos: Investigación de tipo cuantitativo, transversal, correlacional y no
experimental, con muestra de 98 adolescentes, aplicando la técnica de encuesta y como
instrumento un cuestionario estructurado con el test EVF de violencia familiar y test de ansiedad
de Beck (BAI), ambos validados en el contexto nacional. Resultados: La violencia familiar fue
de nivel bajo en el 63.3%, seguido de nivel medio 31.6% y nivel alto en el 5.1%; por dimensiones
predominó el nivel bajo en violencia física 69.4%, violencia sexual 96.0% y violencia por
negligencia 73.6%; la violencia psicológica predominó en nivel medio 58.2%. La ansiedad fue
mínima o normal en el 51.0%, seguido de leve 21.4% y moderada en el 27.6%; por dimensiones
predominó el nivel mínimo o normal en la ansiedad fisiológica 67.3%, y nivel leve en la ansiedad
afectivo-cognitivo 59.2%. Los datos estadísticos confirmaron que existe relación estadística entre
la violencia familiar y la ansiedad en los adolescentes (p=0.004), existiendo también relación con
las dimensiones violencia física (p=0.007), violencia psicológica (p=0.000) y violencia por
negligencia (p=0.010). No se halló relación entre la ansiedad y la violencia sexual (p=0.511).
Conclusiones: Existe relación estadística entre la violencia familiar y la ansiedad, en los
adolescentes del quinto grado de secundaria de la IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024.
The Objective of this study was: To determine the relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents in the fifth grade of secondary school at the IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental research. with a sample of 98 adolescents, applying the survey technique and as an instrument a structured questionnaire with the EVF test for family violence and the Beck anxiety test (BAI), both validated in the national context. Results: Family violence was low level in 63.3%, followed by medium level 31.6% and high level in 5.1%; By dimensions, the low level predominated in physical violence 69.4%, sexual violence 96.0% and violence due to negligence 73.6%; Psychological violence predominated at a medium level 58.2%. Anxiety was minimal or normal in 51.0%, followed by mild in 21.4% and moderate in 27.6%; By dimensions, the minimum or normal level predominated in physiological anxiety 67.3%, and a mild level in affective-cognitive anxiety 59.2%. The statistical data confirmed that there is a statistical relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents (p=0.004), there is also a relationship with the dimension’s physical violence (p=0.007), psychological violence (p=0.000) and violence due to negligence (p=0.010). No relationship was found between anxiety and sexual violence (p=0.511). Conclusions: There is a statistical relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents in the fifth grade of secondary school at the IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024.
The Objective of this study was: To determine the relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents in the fifth grade of secondary school at the IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental research. with a sample of 98 adolescents, applying the survey technique and as an instrument a structured questionnaire with the EVF test for family violence and the Beck anxiety test (BAI), both validated in the national context. Results: Family violence was low level in 63.3%, followed by medium level 31.6% and high level in 5.1%; By dimensions, the low level predominated in physical violence 69.4%, sexual violence 96.0% and violence due to negligence 73.6%; Psychological violence predominated at a medium level 58.2%. Anxiety was minimal or normal in 51.0%, followed by mild in 21.4% and moderate in 27.6%; By dimensions, the minimum or normal level predominated in physiological anxiety 67.3%, and a mild level in affective-cognitive anxiety 59.2%. The statistical data confirmed that there is a statistical relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents (p=0.004), there is also a relationship with the dimension’s physical violence (p=0.007), psychological violence (p=0.000) and violence due to negligence (p=0.010). No relationship was found between anxiety and sexual violence (p=0.511). Conclusions: There is a statistical relationship between family violence and anxiety in adolescents in the fifth grade of secondary school at the IE Cristo Moreno, Ica 2024.
Palabras clave
Violencia familiar, Ansiedad, Adolescentes, Family violence