Habilidades comunicativas y el aprendizaje activo en los estudiantes en una universidad pública de Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre las habilidades comunicativas y el
aprendizaje activo en los estudiantes en una universidad pública de Ica, 2022.
El presente estudio es de tipo básico, nivel descriptivo correlacional, por consecuencia se buscó describir
las variables de estudio explicando los factores que precipitaron el fenómeno y las consecuencias que
podrían conducir a su crecimiento a través de la correlación de las variables (Hernández et al., 2014).
Como técnica de recolección de datos, se empleó de la encuesta, cuyo instrumento es el cuestionario, el
instrumento 01, ha fue recabo del trabajo de investigación “Habilidades sociales y habilidades
comunicativas de los estudiantes del Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Privado José Carlos
Mariátegui de Lima, 2018” (Marcos, 2018). En el caso del instrumento 2 referido al aprendizaje activo,
la adecuación del instrumento fue evaluado a través del proceso de validación de expertos profesionales
que emitieron su veredicto.
La población es de 232 estudiantes programa académicos de Ciencias de la Comunicación matriculados
en el semestre 2022 I, nos dio como resultado la muestra de 98 estudiantes del 5° y 7° ciclo que fueron
incluidos en el estudio. Los resultados señalaron que con un valor sigma de 0,000 se rechaza la hipótesis
nula y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa, además de haber obtenido un valor de relación de 0,587 que
mostró una correlación moderada entre ambas variables. Concluyendo que las habilidades comunicativas
y el aprendizaje activo están relacionados de manera significativa. Esto sugiere que las habilidades
comunicativas pueden desempeñar un papel en el fomento del aprendizaje activo en los estudiantes de
esta universidad.
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between communication skills and active learning in students at a public university in Ica, 2022. The present study is of a basic type, correlational descriptive level, therefore we sought to describe the study variables, explaining the factors that precipitated the phenomenon and the consequences that could lead to its growth through the pressure of the variables (Hernández et al., 2014). As a data collection technique, the survey was used, whose instrument is the questionnaire, instrument 01, has been collected from the research work “Social skills and communication skills of the students of the José Carlos Mariátegui Private Pedagogical Higher Education Institute of Lima, 2018” (Marcos, 2018). In the case of instrument 2 referring to active learning, the adequacy of the instrument was evaluated through the validation process of professional experts who issued their verdict. The population is 232 students in the Communication Sciences academic program enrolled in the 2022 I semester, resulting in a sample of 98 students from the 5th and 7th cycle who were included in the study. The results indicated that with a sigma value of 0.000 the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, in addition to having obtained a relationship value of 0.587 which showed moderate competition between both variables. Concluding that communication skills and active learning are significantly related. This suggests that communication skills may play a role in fostering active learning in students at this university.
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between communication skills and active learning in students at a public university in Ica, 2022. The present study is of a basic type, correlational descriptive level, therefore we sought to describe the study variables, explaining the factors that precipitated the phenomenon and the consequences that could lead to its growth through the pressure of the variables (Hernández et al., 2014). As a data collection technique, the survey was used, whose instrument is the questionnaire, instrument 01, has been collected from the research work “Social skills and communication skills of the students of the José Carlos Mariátegui Private Pedagogical Higher Education Institute of Lima, 2018” (Marcos, 2018). In the case of instrument 2 referring to active learning, the adequacy of the instrument was evaluated through the validation process of professional experts who issued their verdict. The population is 232 students in the Communication Sciences academic program enrolled in the 2022 I semester, resulting in a sample of 98 students from the 5th and 7th cycle who were included in the study. The results indicated that with a sigma value of 0.000 the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, in addition to having obtained a relationship value of 0.587 which showed moderate competition between both variables. Concluding that communication skills and active learning are significantly related. This suggests that communication skills may play a role in fostering active learning in students at this university.
Palabras clave
Habilidades comunicativas, Aprendizaje activo, Estudiantes, Communication skills