Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para una clínica de hemodiálisis en el distrito de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las condiciones para la implementación de un Sistema de
Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en una Clínica de Hemodiálisis, la metodología empleada se
basó en una investigación básica de tipo descriptivo, no experimental transversal con una
muestra de 32 participantes a través de un muestreo no probabilístico y siguiendo las acciones
como observación a través de varios instrumentos que permitieron indagar sobre los indicadores
propuestos. Los resultados mostraron 16,4% de cumplimiento de la normativa nacional
categorizándose como pobre (0 – 40%) y según la percepción de los encuestados se muestra un
desacuerdo con la alta dirección por la falta de reconocimiento al esfuerzo en temas de SST
(59,4%), en desacuerdo con la falta de importancia que se otorga a la seguridad para desarrollar
correctamente su trabajo (53,1%), sumado a ello, no se ha entregado un Reglamento interno de
SST (46,9%), consideran importante las capacitaciones sobre temas de SST para realizar
actividades de manera adecuada (56,3%). De los 9 riesgos el 44% son aceptables, 22%
moderado, 22% importante y 11% no aceptable, es necesario implementar medidas de control
para disminuir la ocurrencia de accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales. Conclusión: El SST
en la Clínica se encuentra en nivel POBRE (0 – 40%) por lo que es indispensable implementar
la Seguridad y Salud con directrices de liderazgo y gestión mediante programas de monitoreo en
The objective This work was to design A proposal to implement a Occupational Health and Safety System in a Hemodialysis Clinic, the methodology The study was based on a basic descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional research with a sample of 32 participants through a non-probabilistic sampling and following the actions as an observation through several instruments that allowed us to investigate the proposed indicators. The results Showed 16.4% compliance National legislation categorized as poor (0 – 40%) and according to the perception of the respondents, there is a disagreement with senior management due to the lack of recognition of the effort in OSH issues (59.4%), in disagreement with the lack of importance given to safety to correctly carry out their work (53.1%), they have not been given an Internal OSH Regulation (46.9%), consider training on OSH issues to be important in order to carry out activities properly (56.3%). De The 9 Risks 44% are acceptable, 22% moderate, 22% significant and 11% unacceptable, in which control measures should be applied to reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents and diseases. Conclusion: The OSH in the Clinic is at a POOR level (0 – 40%), so it is essential to implement Health and Safety with leadership and management guidelines through OSH monitoring programs.
The objective This work was to design A proposal to implement a Occupational Health and Safety System in a Hemodialysis Clinic, the methodology The study was based on a basic descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional research with a sample of 32 participants through a non-probabilistic sampling and following the actions as an observation through several instruments that allowed us to investigate the proposed indicators. The results Showed 16.4% compliance National legislation categorized as poor (0 – 40%) and according to the perception of the respondents, there is a disagreement with senior management due to the lack of recognition of the effort in OSH issues (59.4%), in disagreement with the lack of importance given to safety to correctly carry out their work (53.1%), they have not been given an Internal OSH Regulation (46.9%), consider training on OSH issues to be important in order to carry out activities properly (56.3%). De The 9 Risks 44% are acceptable, 22% moderate, 22% significant and 11% unacceptable, in which control measures should be applied to reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents and diseases. Conclusion: The OSH in the Clinic is at a POOR level (0 – 40%), so it is essential to implement Health and Safety with leadership and management guidelines through OSH monitoring programs.
Palabras clave
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo, Sistema de gestión, SST