Centro de desarrollo comunitario para la cohesión social en Tierra Prometida - distrito y provincia de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente tesis; consta del desarrollo de una propuesta arquitectónica de un Centro de
Desarrollo Comunitario en Tierra Prometida, es por ello que el trabajo se planteó a partir de
una problemática, investigación y análisis urbano; a la vez se consideró aspectos
arquitectónicos y funcionales para la propuesta, de acuerdo a la normativa y la necesidad de la
La investigación comprende una metodología cualitativa de nivel descriptiva. El ámbito de
estudio corresponde Tierra Prometida ubicado al oeste del cercado de Ica, por lo que para la
recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de triangulación considerando el análisis, la
hermenéutica y la inducción, a la vez se utilizó diversos instrumentos como: bosquejos, mapas,
planos, encuestas, documentos bibliográficos y libros.
Se logró elaborar la propuesta de diseño arquitectónico integrándose al entorno urbano y
respondiendo a la problemática por lo que se planteó zonas de recreación, educación, zonas
comunitarias y complementarias.
The present thesis; It consists of the development of an architectural proposal for a Community Development Center in Tierra Prometida, which is why the work was proposed based on a problem, research and urban analysis; At the same time, architectural and functional aspects for the proposal were demonstrated, according to the regulations and the needs of the population. The research includes a qualitative methodology at a descriptive level. The area of study corresponds to Tierra Prometida located west of the Ica fence, so for data collection the triangulation technique was used considering analysis, hermeneutics and induction, at the same time various instruments were used such as: forests , maps, plans, surveys, bibliographic documents and books. It was possible to prepare the architectural design proposal by integrating it into the urban environment and responding to the problem, which is why recreation, education, community and complementary areas were proposed.
The present thesis; It consists of the development of an architectural proposal for a Community Development Center in Tierra Prometida, which is why the work was proposed based on a problem, research and urban analysis; At the same time, architectural and functional aspects for the proposal were demonstrated, according to the regulations and the needs of the population. The research includes a qualitative methodology at a descriptive level. The area of study corresponds to Tierra Prometida located west of the Ica fence, so for data collection the triangulation technique was used considering analysis, hermeneutics and induction, at the same time various instruments were used such as: forests , maps, plans, surveys, bibliographic documents and books. It was possible to prepare the architectural design proposal by integrating it into the urban environment and responding to the problem, which is why recreation, education, community and complementary areas were proposed.
Palabras clave
Asentamiento humano, Centro de desarrollo comunitario, Arquitectura, Cohesión social